[COGS] February 21 / Re: COGS Assembly Meeting

COGS Deputy Speaker for Communication SGA-COGS-Communication at fsu.edu
Thu Feb 17 10:01:05 EST 2022

My apologies, all.

Here is the correct link to review the proposed 2022-2023 Annual Budget that we will discuss and vote on during the COGS Assembly meeting: https://sga.fsu.edu/cogs/budget/COGS-Annual-Budget-Bill-No.3-2022-2023.pdf

Please make sure you review the other items in the email forwarded below.

Have a great day!


Sara Collins
Deputy Speaker of Communications
Congress of Graduate Students
sga-cogs-communication at fsu.edu
From: COGS Deputy Speaker for Communication
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2022 9:55 AM
To: COGSSpeaker <COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu>; COGSDepSpeaker <COGSDepSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu>; cogs at lists.fsu.edu <cogs at lists.fsu.edu>; COGS Deputy Speaker for Judicial Affairs <SGA-COGS-JA at fsu.edu>
Cc: Jacalyn Butts <jbutts at fsu.edu>
Subject: February 21 / Re: COGS Assembly Meeting

Good morning, Representatives,

This is a reminder that the next COGS Assembly Meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 21st at 6:30pm. The meeting will occur only on Zoom, so please follow the Zoom link below to attend.

A few reminder items before the upcoming assembly meeting:

  1.  Please indicate exactly how you want your name written on your COGS badge through this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Tmscwy985MWN4wSon_B6wl6PsZHj7IDkaDpQDwlSjsM/edit#gid=0. Please also provide your pronouns, if you want this indicated on your badge.
  2.  We have had no volunteers for the Instagram Takeover beginning today and ending Monday. If we do not have a volunteer for today, I'd love if we had a volunteer take over tomorrow and another on Monday. This is a way to document your day and let others who follow COGS get to know the representatives. I'm happy to provide a detailed list of ideas and walk you through the process. Please sign up through this Doodle form if you are interested in participating BEFORE the end of the day: https://doodle.com/poll/mw7ppef2szhc2d6g?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link
  3.  Budget deliberations are complete! However, we will still need to discuss and vote on the final budget during the COGS assembly meeting. Before the assembly meeting, please review the proposed COGS 2022-2023 Annual Budget on the COGS website. You can find the proposed budget here: https://sga.fsu.edu/cogs-budget.shtml

Kindly advise if you will be unable to attend Monday's meeting by emailing the COGS Speaker (COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu<mailto:COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu>) and COGS Deputy Speaker for Finance (COGSDepSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu<mailto:COGSDepSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu>).

Here is the Zoom link to access the meeting:


See you Monday!


Sara Collins
Deputy Speaker of Communications
Congress of Graduate Students
sga-cogs-communication at fsu.edu
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