[COGS] COGS Meetings Fall 2022

COGS Deputy Speaker for Communication SGA-COGS-Communication at fsu.edu
Fri Aug 12 13:57:00 EDT 2022

Good afternoon Representatives,

I hope you've had a wonderful summer - and fit in lots of time for rest! As we near toward the beginning of the Fall semester, I wanted to share that our COGS Fall meeting dates are posted on our website here: https://sga.fsu.edu/cogs.shtml

Currently, the location for these meetings is TBD, but we will be resuming in-person meetings this semester. Please plan your schedule accordingly. Also, I believe I have emailed all current representatives requesting confirmation of your continuation with COGS in the Fall semester. If you have not responded, please let me know as soon as your schedule allows, as we are adjusting the COGS listserv and website prior to the start of the Fall semester. If you have already let me know you will not continue holding your seat this Fall, please disregard this email.

I will be in touch as soon as we have a confirmed COGS meeting location. I look forward to seeing everyone at our first meeting on August 29th!


Sara Collins
Deputy Speaker of Communications
Congress of Graduate Students
sga-cogs-communication at fsu.edu
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