[COGS] September 13th / Re: COGS Assembly Meeting Reminder

COGS Deputy Speaker for Communication SGA-COGS-Communication at fsu.edu
Fri Sep 10 14:07:50 EDT 2021

Happy Friday Representatives!

This is a reminder that the COGS Assembly Meeting will happen this Monday, September 13th at 6:30 PM with options to attend in HCB 103 or on Zoom. Kindly advise if you will be unable to attend this Monday's meeting by emailing the COGS Speaker (COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu<mailto:COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu>) and COGS Deputy Speaker for Finance (COGSDepSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu<mailto:COGSDepSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu>).

If you are attending virtually via Zoom, here is the link to access the meeting on Monday:


Meeting ID: 950 2687 4940

Have a great weekend!


Sara Collins
Deputy Speaker of Communications
Congress of Graduate Students
sga-cogs-communication at fsu.edu
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