[COGS] Statute Revision

Christian Gfatter chg17c at my.fsu.edu
Wed Sep 1 17:57:57 EDT 2021

Could we adopt some language that uses an average cost per item with a maximum cost (e.g., for uncommon sizes)?


Allocation Committees shall not fund more than an average cost of $8.40 per clothing item where all individual clothing items are not more than 25% higher or lower than the average cost (e.g., $10.50 for an XXL shirt or $6.30 for an XXS shirt).

I used $8.40 in the example above to create the range as I wanted to allow for some flexibility for a proposed purchase.


From: COGS <cogs-bounces at lists.fsu.edu> on behalf of COGSSpeaker via COGS <cogs at lists.fsu.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, September 1, 2021 11:53 AM
To: cogs at lists.fsu.edu <cogs at lists.fsu.edu>
Cc: COGSSpeaker <COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu>; Jason Randall <jbr16g at my.fsu.edu>
Subject: [COGS] Statute Revision

Good Evening Representative,

Senator Randall has proposed some changes to student statutes regarding clothing and awards including allowing $10 per clothing items xxl or above. This has been a problem with RSOs in the past. We require shirts to be under $8, but also require a diverse size distribution that often costs more than $8 because of the larger sizes. Jason wanted to get COGS input on the Bill so please review this document and offer any feedback or suggestions. Thank you Jason for keeping COGS in the loop and valuing our opinion on these matters.

Side note. Here is my number in case any of you don’t have it already and  need to reach me on short notice. 678-602-8870


CHRIS HAGEMEYER, Congress of Graduate Students, Speaker

Florida State University

College of Medicine, Doctoral Candidate in Biomedical Sciences

web sga.fsu.edu/cogs.shtml | fb FSUCOGS | twt COGSFSU

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