[COGS] Elections Updates / Re: Campaign Contribution Statement due Tomorrow

COGS Deputy Speaker for Communication SGA-COGS-Communication at fsu.edu
Wed Oct 6 14:01:51 EDT 2021

Good morning Representatives,

As a reminder, you did not need to attend either of the candidacy seminars on Monday or Tuesday of this week. I am writing with instructions for next steps in the candidacy process. Campaign Contribution Statements are due by 12PM (noon) tomorrow, October 7th. I've contacted Spencer Greenwood, Supervisor of Elections, and he has informed me that submitting a letter to his email (SGAElect at admin.fsu.edu) will satisfy this requirement. Typically, COGS Representatives do not dedicate resources or funding toward their "campaigns", often because we are running for the seat we already hold, and/or are running unopposed. However, I have attached a sample Word document template of the letter I had submitted last year, as each candidate is still required to submit a Campaign Contribution Statement. I've also attached a final PDF version of the letter that I emailed to the Supervisor of Elections, with my signature and date.

To summarize, here are the recommended steps to submit a Campaign Contribution Statement:

  1.  Download the attached Word document entitled "Campaign Contribution Statement_template_COGS" and replace the information in red with your own information. This includes indicating (1) the seat you are running for and (2) your name.
  2.  Add a signature to the document and save as PDF. There are two ways you can do this: (1) You can print the Word document, sign your name, and scan the document to reupload to your computer as a PDF, or (2) You can use DocuSign (https://its.fsu.edu/service-catalog/administrative-and-business/electronic-signatures/digital-signatures-docusign) to add your signature virtually if you are unable to scan and print.
  3.  Once you have your final Campaign Contribution Statement prepared, please email this to Spencer Greenwood, Supervisor of Elections (SGAElect at admin.fsu.edu) by 12pm tomorrow, October 7th.
  4.  Please try to get this done by tomorrow morning so you have time to troubleshoot, if needed!

Please let me know if you have any questions or need any assistance with the scanning or signing process. I'll remain flexible to help later this afternoon and tomorrow morning before 9:30am.


Have a great Wednesday, Representatives! I'll be in touch tomorrow morning with another reminder.


Sara Collins
Deputy Speaker of Communications
Congress of Graduate Students
sga-cogs-communication at fsu.edu
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