[COGS] COGS Meeting Tomorrow

COGSSpeaker COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu
Sun Nov 28 14:48:43 EST 2021

Good Afternoon All,

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving! Since we have a lot on the agenda for tomorrow, I wanted to run through some of it, especially for our new petitioners. I apologize for the length of the email, but there is a lot of important information to go over.

Our meeting is at 6:30pm (29th)  tomorrow in HCB 103. If you are unable to attend in person, you can do so with our zoom link https://fsu.zoom.us/j/95026874940
Since we just completed our 29th Congress, we currently have no executive board to conduct the meeting tomorrow which means a special guest from the Executive Branch will conduct the meeting at the start. They will first swear in any of the representatives that participated in the official SGA election, but were not in attendance for inauguration. If you attended inauguration then you can sit back and relax during this part.

After these individuals are sworn in, the Executive Branch guest will conduct elections for our new executive board including the Speaker, Deputy Speaker of Finance, Deputy Speaker of Communications, and Deputy Speaker of Judicial Affairs. The procedure for these elections is listed below. Please let me know if you have any questions.

“ Nominations for Officers shall be taken from the floor and shall require a second. Each candidate may accept or decline the nomination. Candidates who accept their nomination shall be allowed, in alphabetical order, to address the Congress for no more than two (2) minutes. The Chair shall allow three (3) minutes of questions per candidate. No “con” debate shall be permitted during the election process. All nominees not addressing or taking questions from the Congress shall remain outside the COGS Chambers. Candidates shall not be present during debate on the candidates. Debate on the candidates shall take no more than five (5) minutes. Motions to extend time for opening addresses, questions and discussion of the candidates may be made by Representatives in the Chambers and pass by a majority vote of the Representatives in the Chambers. Once the question has successfully been called to vote on the position, all nominees may enter the Chambers and cast their own secret ballots with the rest of the Congress.”

After we have elected a Speaker, they will conduct the Congress as usual. If you have recently expressed interest in joining COGS by filling out a petitioner form with 20 signatures, this is when you will have the opportunity to petition in. This includes a lot of you guys which I have listed below.

Shyam Amaraneni- Graduate School and Special Student Advocacy

Susan Rogowski - Seat 6 Arts and Sciences

Francis Baffour-Awuah Junior - Seat 3 Arts and Sciences

Amber Mustafa - Seat 1 Education

Laura Vaughn- Seat 2 Education

Jorge Galeano Cabral – International Student Advocacy

Parker Wilson - Seat 1 Medicine

Jacob Myrhe- Seat 2 Medicine

Samuel Boatright- Seat 3 Medicine

Alaba Illesamni- Gradaute Student Housing Advocate Seat 1

Matthew Linsky - Law Seat 2

I apologize if I have recently asked you to switch seats as this is in an effort to prevent competition/elections for your seat and maximize participation. You will all be given 3 minutes to give a short speech explaining to the assembly why you want to be in COGS or why you think you will be a good fit. You do not need to use all of this time. The assembly will then have time to ask you some questions. They will then deliberate and vote on whether to add you to our COGS assembly. If you have not yet been financially certified, you can do so here. https://sga.fsu.edu/accounting.shtml
This is a requirement for all COGS representatives to vote on financial matters.

We will also be breaking out into our committees to elect our committee chairs and vice chairs. If you are new to COGS then it is a good idea to look at our committees before the meeting and decide which ones you are most interest in (https://sga.fsu.edu/cogs-committees.shtml) . All representatives are required to join committee (not including budget committee).

That brings me to my last piece. We will also be appointing our budget committee at this meeting. This is one of our most important committees that is responsible for allocating our 1.2 million dollar budget. This is excellent way to learn about all of our COGS organizations and financial rules. This is also a very time demanding committee so I urge you not express interest unless you will be able to give the necessary time required. Below is a tentative schedule.

December 1, 2021: Qualtrics for budget requests open (you input your presentation time here through a provided link)
January 14, 2022 at noon: The budget request Qualtrics closes (no requests submitted after this time will be accepted)
January 21-26, 2022: Presentations of your budget requests (each organization only gets one 15-minute slot)
January 28, 2022: Deliberations on all requests given
If you are interested in participating on this committee please email COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu<mailto:COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu> and COGSDepSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu<mailto:COGSDepSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu> as this is an appointed committee made by the Speaker with consultation by the Deputy Speaker of Finance. Again, I apologize for the lengthy email, but wanted to make sure you all have the necessary information.


CHRIS HAGEMEYER, Congress of Graduate Students, Speaker
Florida State University
College of Medicine, Doctoral Candidate in Biomedical Sciences
web sga.fsu.edu/cogs.shtml | fb FSUCOGS | twt COGSFSU

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