[COGS] ACTION REQUIRED: Summer Intent Form

Jacalyn Butts jbutts at fsu.edu
Mon Apr 26 11:53:03 EDT 2021

Hi Representatives,

We are preparing for our summer assembly meetings and will need to update the attendance spreadsheet. Please fill out the Summer Intent Form<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3WqCnRA15w5IV5Y> declaring whether you are taking at least 3 academic credit hours or taking a leave of absence so we can properly document your intent.

If you have graduated this Spring and need to be removed from the listserv please email me, jbutts at fsu.edu<mailto:jbutts at fsu.edu>, and the COGS Speaker (COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu<mailto:COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu>) directly so we can remove your email.

Let us know if you have questions.



Jacalyn Butts, M.Ed.
Personal Gender Pronouns: she, her, hers
Student Program Coordinator
Student Governance & Advocacy
Florida State University
449 Thagard
P: 850-644-1814
To book an appointment: https://doodle.com/mm/jacalynbutts/jb

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