[COGS] COGS Meeting Reminder

Jacalyn Butts jbutts at fsu.edu
Wed Sep 30 13:13:37 EDT 2020

Hi Representatives,

This is a reminder that there is a COGS Meeting this upcoming Monday, October 5th at 6:30 PM via Zoom. Please make sure your committees have met and/or set up a time to meet with the zoom link posted on the COGS website. If your committee has met please make sure the minutes have been sent to Ben to be posted to the website. I will send the bill packet and zoom link in a follow up email reminder on Friday.



Jacalyn Butts, M.Ed.
Personal Gender Pronouns: she, her, hers
Student Program Coordinator
Student Governance & Advocacy
Florida State University
449 Thagard
P: 850-644-1814
To book an appointment: https://doodle.com/mm/jacalynbutts/jb

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