[COGS] COGS Conference Presentation and Attendance Grants

COGSDepSpeaker COGSDepSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu
Sun Oct 18 16:03:58 EDT 2020

Hello Representatives!

As you may know, we have recently opened our Conference Presentation and Attendance Grants for students to apply for virtual conference support. I would like to get the word out that these are open, so I was hoping I could have each of you send a message to you Departments/Colleges to make graduate students aware. I have given a template below that I would like you guys to have sent out. If you are uncomfortable sending this, please let me know the email to reach out to and I can send it myself!

Here is the template:

Greetings colleagues, (or whatever intro you would like)

As the Congress of Graduate Students (COGS) Representative for our College, I wanted to make you aware of an opportunity to receive financial support for attending or presenting your research at virtual conferences.

The COGS Conference and Presentation Grants are available to any graduate student at FSU that is planning on attending and/or presenting their research at a VIRTUAL conference this school year. There are several cycles for applications, and right now anyone whose conference will be held in November 2020-February 2021 is allowed to apply for a grant while funds are still available. The next cycle will be open in February, and you can find the specific dates on the website.

Here is a link to the applications, as well as more information on deadlines to apply: https://sga.fsu.edu/cogs-individual-forms.shtml.
Your Name

Caitlyn Blake-Hedges
COGS Deputy Speaker for Finance

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