[COGS] SGA & the Rest of the Spring Semester

Danielle Acosta dmacosta at fsu.edu
Sun Mar 22 20:10:16 EDT 2020

Good evening SGA, COGS, Agency, Senate, Bureau, Project, and Affiliate Leaders,

Welcome virtually and remotely back!

I know you have been receiving so many emails and updates regarding the rest of the spring semester (https://news.fsu.edu/tag/coronavirus/), but I did want to reach out to provide a few updates particularly about SGA things moving forward. The University, and Student Governance & Advocacy, continue to be operational during this semester, and are excited to reimagine and support you remotely should you want to engage!  The rest of this email is very down-to-business, but please note, we are here to make sure you are successful, supported, and well this semester, and our main priority is you.

As you know, the University, following CDC guidelines, has cancelled or postponed all in-person meetings of over 10 people.  The staff has spent the past week or so thinking and planning on how best to continue student engagement, and we are eager to support you and your organizations as you think through what you may want to do over the course of the next several weeks.  We have gathered a variety of resources and best practices, and we have access to some technology.  For Agencies & Bureaus, Stephanie will be reaching out to schedule a video COP meeting so we can talk more in depth and answer questions.  I know it will not look or feel like you had planned for, but I am hopeful that with the advising team’s support and a little creativity, we can continue to move forward some of your ideas and goals for the rest of the academic year.

These unprecedented shifts are also leading us to some one-time flexibility to some processes.  Please read below for some upcoming processes:


  *   Student Engagement has developed some opportunities for RSOs and students to engage, such as RSO Rendezvous on Wednesdays on social media, and upcoming zoom programming.  Be sure you are following SGA, SOI, and the SLC on social media to see what is happening.  Campus Rec also has some great resources to continue being engaged and active, and areas like CHAW and the Center are working on virtual programming.  Check out more information at https://studentaffairs.fsu.edu/virtualfsu/, https://studentaffairs.fsu.edu/virtualfsu/student-engagement, and Nole Central<https://nolecentral.dsa.fsu.edu/>.

Legislative Meetings

  *   Senate will meet April 1 and April 15 virtually via zoom.  Jack and Alex are working on some of the details as we move forward (access, attendance, process, committee meetings, etc) and we will connect with you by Wednesday, March 25th so you can be fully prepared for what a virtual meeting may look like.
  *   COGS will also meet virtually via zoom.  The next regularly scheduled COGS meeting is April 6.

Office Hours

  *   Student leaders in paid OPS positions may be able to serve their office hours virtually. Individual advisors/supervisors will be in contact about shifts, hours, and assignments and tasks that must be completed. Please check your FSU email or follow up for more information.

Applications & Transition

  *   Applications can still be collected for positions if they were posted, and some organizations may decide to conduct interviews virtually.  Senate will still be able to hear forwarding and confirm candidates virtually.
  *   Should you have positions that need to be posted, please email byoung at fsu.edu<mailto:byoung at fsu.edu>.

SGA Inauguration

  *   We are still waiting for the Supreme Court’s opinion regarding an appeal regarding the election.  After the opinion is received, pending any appeals we will be able to move forward with a virtual installation ceremony, and rely heavily on social media and the website for some of the other activities that usually take place at Inauguration.  More information is forthcoming.

Student Pubs

  *   Student Pubs will continue working on zines that were previously scheduled, as well as begin compiling information for the SGA Today.  Everyone should be submitting information, photos, and stories to be included in the SGA Today here: https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Bdqsc0VsBuUyKF


  *   Funding requests for events during this time period will be, if they haven’t been already, cancelled, since events cannot be in person and students are not on campus.  If you still have outstanding receipts, please submit them ASAP.

There is so much happening in the world right now, and this is a lot of information to take in.  Our main goal is that you are healthy and well, can finish the semester strong and in community – whatever that may look like for your right now.

Please let me or any of the advisors know if you have any questions or want to chat more and we can set up a zoom/facetime/google hangout/phone call to connect.

I am so honored to get to work with you all, and I cannot wait to see what we develop and learn together in the next few weeks.  Stay safe, practice social distancing, wash your hands, and well!

-dr dMo

Danielle Morgan Acosta, Ph.D
Interim Director of Student Engagement
Personal Gender Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Get Connected!
Student Governance & Advocacy<http://sga.fsu.edu/>
Student Organizations & Involvement<https://union.fsu.edu/sac>
Student Life Cinema<https://union.fsu.edu/movies>

To schedule a meeting, please visit: https://doodle.com/mm/daniellemorganacosta/meeting

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