[COGS] Meeting Announcement

Jacalyn Butts jbutts at fsu.edu
Fri Sep 13 16:26:42 EDT 2019

Good Afternoon!

Our next COGS business meeting will be held on Monday, September 16, 2019 at 6:30PM. We will meet in HCB room 103.

Please reply to this email and CC both Speaker O'Neill (COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu<mailto:COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu>) and Deputy Speaker Blake-Hedges (COGSDepSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu<mailto:COGSDepSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu>), if you will be unable to attend.

We look forward to seeing you Monday.


Jacalyn Butts, M.Ed.
Personal Gender Pronouns: she, her, hers
Student Program Coordinator
Student Governance & Advocacy
Florida State University
449 Thagard
P: 850-644-1814

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