[COGS] Welcome to Fall Semester SGA Leaders!

Danielle Acosta dmacosta at fsu.edu
Wed Sep 4 12:29:55 EDT 2019

Happy Fall, SGA Leaders!

I have been excited to see so many of you at Welcome FSU, SGA events<https://calendar.fsu.edu/calendar/?event_types%5b%5d=89150>, and up in the offices of Thagard during the first week of classes.  With the first Senate meeting this evening, and the All Agency Advance this weekend, fall is officially in full swing!

I have some updates for you regarding the Department of Student Governance & Advocacy as we get started!

We have three new wonderful staff members<http://sga.fsu.edu/staff.shtml> who joined our team on August 5th! They have been here barely a month and are doing great things.  Please stop by Thagard and introduced yourself:

  *   Laurel McKinney, SG&A Business Manager in the Accounting Office
  *   Jacalyn Butts, Student Program Coordinator advising the Freshmen & Transfer Leadership Institutes and Congress of Graduate Students
  *   Ebony Guidry, Student Program Coordinator advising the Asian American Student Union and Black Student Union and coordinating the BSU House

We also invited six new graduate student volunteer interns<http://sga.fsu.edu/staff.shtml> to join us:

  *   Christina Archipolo, FLI
  *   London Judge, TLI and initiatives
  *   Frankie DiFranco, Allies & Safe Zones
  *   Satcha Sanon, BSU
  *   Danny Dominguez, HLSU
  *   Jada Toledo, WSU

I also want to let you all know that Ms. Carolyn Griffin, after over 20 years of service to the students of SGA, is no longer with FSU.  We thank her and wish her well on her next chapter!  If you have payroll or SGA admin questions, please connect with Ms. Carolyn Harris.

As we move through the year, all of us in Student Governance & Advocacy are excited to help you learn and grow through your leadership positions. We strive to cultivate environments of student engagement, inclusion, and experiential learning by creating and supporting tailored opportunities for students’ personal and professional growth, where you practice leadership, use voice, manage funds and resources, and are actively engaged members of our community.

I am excited for all you will accomplish this year!

PS - Don’t forget to get financially certified<http://sga.fsu.edu/accounting.shtml>! ☺

-dr dMo

Danielle Morgan Acosta, Ph.D
Director of Student Governance & Advocacy
Personal Gender Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Student Government Association<http://sga.fsu.edu/>

To schedule a meeting, please visit: https://doodle.com/drdMo.

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