[COGS] Welcome FSU - Volunteer to Welcome New Students to Campus!

Danielle Acosta dmacosta at fsu.edu
Thu Aug 8 22:08:21 EDT 2019

Hello COGS Leaders!

We are truly in the heart of August and getting ready for the fall semester – and for our relaunched #WelcomeWeekFSU<http://welcome.fsu.edu/> initiatives!

Help us make move in and welcome week extra special for over 6700 new students by volunteering!
Volunteers are needed during the day on Thursday, August 19th and Friday, August 20th, as well as in the morning on Saturday, August 21st.  Sign up<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_enXOBeI0oK4SbAh> for one 4-hour time slot to help out and receive a Welcome Week t-shirt and lanyard!

Volunteers will assist in welcoming and directing students and families, supporting move-in carts, and generally being excited for the beginning of the academic year!

Thank you to everyone who has already volunteered to assist us during Welcome Week at Move in!  If you haven’t yet, there is still time, to sign up for a shift or two<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_enXOBeI0oK4SbAh>!

We are working on finalizing schedules and would appreciate folks registering as volunteers<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_enXOBeI0oK4SbAh> by this Wednesday – August 14th!

Please let me know if you have any questions!

-dr dMo

Danielle Morgan Acosta, Ph.D
Director of Student Governance & Advocacy
Personal Gender Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Student Government Association<http://sga.fsu.edu/>

To schedule a meeting, please visit: https://doodle.com/drdMo.

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