[COGS] COGS This Summer

Carolyn Harris cjharris at admin.fsu.edu
Tue Apr 30 18:31:56 EDT 2019

Good evening, and if I haven’t been able to tell you personally, congratulations on an awesome year at FSU!

We have a few housekeeping things to take care of! Please do so by this Thursday!

Summertime - https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_51HGcCygp3geGI5<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__fsu.qualtrics.com_jfe_form_SV-5F51HGcCygp3geGI5&d=DwMGaQ&c=MNHwOqQ8N1u91SoMLfIblwuGXKgp50OPUXjl8uRAbak&r=3Cn8JXk1bD4SbjNEjim-7g&m=YffI48Ao3VQHmrAjOPXYR5KObaVp0SdJ5cJOa1YQJp0&s=9HdVl9ZDTHfwH860NrICr4I5Gmz1_vEjrPUy4VgL_OY&e=>

  *   Statutes require you to submit your intent for the summer, particularly those students in major positions who are required to be here this summer.

·       Please note:

o   Major offices may only be held by FSU students registered for at least six (6) hours in both the fall and spring semesters, respectively, and at least three (3) hours during the summer session.

o   SGA officers may take a leave of absence over the summer – please fill out the form above so we know your intent and can prepare payroll and vacancies accordingly.

Website Information - https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9MHmh9lHlRibbU1<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__fsu.qualtrics.com_jfe_form_SV-5F9MHmh9lHlRibbU1&d=DwMGaQ&c=MNHwOqQ8N1u91SoMLfIblwuGXKgp50OPUXjl8uRAbak&r=3Cn8JXk1bD4SbjNEjim-7g&m=YffI48Ao3VQHmrAjOPXYR5KObaVp0SdJ5cJOa1YQJp0&s=fPIjel5Q9nc72BHcS3kBhO0iSVdVUThfQo9R2-oZQcs&e=>

  *   Please click the link above to share what information you feel comfortable having posted on the SGA website

Photographs – if you did not get a professional head shot at Inauguration, or have one on file with Ben, please meet with him ASAP so we have a photo for this summer.  We want to make sure students at orientation and starting school know who you are!

Finances – you must be financially certified and listed as an Financial officer on the SGA Statement of Understanding form to spend your organization’s funds.  All requests must be submitted to Nole Central by May 31st, and all receipts must be submitted to sga.fsu.edu/receipts by June 14th.  The NEW Financial Manual and Financial Exam will be available July 8th.  Please note, no SGA funds can be spent between June 14th and July 8th, so please plan accordingly for orientation, CARE, and Summer C Move In.

As a friendly reminder, all students in SGA/COGS positions must be in good academic and conduct standing.  The staff will run checks after grades are posted and follow up accordingly.

I am so excited to see what you will all accomplish and how you will advocate for students and make Florida State a better place. I am hopeful to get together for coffee or lunch ASAP, but you can always stop by my office or set up a meeting in the link below.

Carolyn J. Harris
Personal Gender Pronouns: she, her, hers
Assistant Director, Student Affairs - SGA
Florida State University
449 Thagard
P 850-644-4850

To schedule a meeting, visit:

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