[Coe-grad] Learn an Important Skill and Support your Fellow Students: Attend the Finals of the FSU Three-Minute Thesis Competition!

FSU College of Education coe-grad at lists.fsu.edu
Mon Nov 18 13:18:19 EST 2019

Dear College of Education Students,

Two of the doctoral students in the College of Education, Ahmad Rahimi and Hila Sharon David, are finalists in the annual FSU Three Minute Thesis competition. This event, which takes place tomorrow (Tuesday, November 18) at 2:00 PM in the College of Medicine auditorium (directly across from the College of Education), requires students to describe their research in an easy-to-understand manner in just three minutes, using just a single slide to accompany their remarks (see attachment for more details).

Describing your own research succinctly is an important skill for you to possess. Seeing excellent examples of how other students do so should help you develop this skill.  If you are available, please come to this event to support our two finalists, vote for your favorite presentation, and learn how to concisely explain your own research.   I’m confident that you will enjoy this event and that you will improve your own skills by attending. I hope to see you there!

Robert A. Reiser
Associate Dean for Research
College of Education

Robert A. Reiser, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Research, Distinguished Teaching Professor and Robert M. Morgan Professor of Instructional Systems
College of Education
1100 Stone Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida 32306
e-mail: rreiser at fsu.edu<mailto:rreiser at fsu.edu>
professional website:  http://myweb.fsu.edu/rreiser<http://myweb.fsu.edu/rreiser/index.html>

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