[Art-instructors] FAB Gallery now accepting exhibition proposals for Spring 2025!

Celeste Ivory mivory at fsu.edu
Mon Sep 16 14:37:24 EDT 2024

Dear FSU, Fine Arts Community,
We are excited to announce that the FAB Gallery is now open and accepting proposals from the FSU Arts Community for Spring 2025 Exhibitions. Please click the link below or see attached and apply today!
24-25 FAB Gallery Proposal Directions.docx<https://fsu.sharepoint.com/:w:/s/CFA/Art/EUns6nxNhGpPi9s5y1OGAwsBoztq-W9_59akESLll8z-zA?xsdata=MDV8MDJ8QXJ0LWluc3RydWN0b3JzQGxpc3RzLmZzdS5lZHV8MjI2NDE0M2MwNWViNDkyNjNiYWMwOGRjZDY3ZTliZGJ8YTM2NDUwZWJkYjA2NDJhNzhkMWIwMjY3MTlmNzAxZTN8MHwwfDYzODYyMTA4NjQ2ODcyNTMzOXxVbmtub3dufFRXRnBiR1pzYjNkOGV5SldJam9pTUM0d0xqQXdNREFpTENKUUlqb2lWMmx1TXpJaUxDSkJUaUk2SWsxaGFXd2lMQ0pYVkNJNk1uMD18MHx8fA%3d%3d&sdata=SHZyL2ExZlVoRExYdFZaQVpRZmdaeW52a01hK2tSdHZMbU1jempNR0twWT0%3d>

Brian Dick
FAB Gallery Coordinator, Visiting Teaching Faculty, Foundations

The FAB Gallery expands exhibition opportunities for staff, faculty members, and students in the Department of Art at FSU. The gallery serves as an educational tool for continued critical inquiry and experimentation within the department. The FAB Gallery shares the pedagogy of the Department of Art with the broader community in a space that is open and accessible to students from across the university. By embracing experimentation and all the varied media of the Department of Art, the FAB Gallery showcases the creative and educational processes that are fundamental to the department.

Florida State University’s Land Acknowledgment
Florida State University acknowledges that its Florida campuses are located on the ancestral and traditional homelands of the Seminole Tribe of Florida, the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida, the Apalachee, Seminole and Muscogee Nations, the ancient Calusa, Uzita and Tocobaga, and others. We pay respect to the resiliency of their tribal members, past and present, and to all Indigenous peoples.

The University honors its unique and collaborative friendship with the Seminole Tribe of Florida, together paying tribute to the Tribe’s great history and rich culture. We encourage all to learn about the significance of Indigenous peoples in this region and throughout the nation. With a collective knowledge of the past, we are inspired to teach, live, and support a future that empowers all individuals.
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