[Art-instructors] NASAD Today + Tomorrow

Jeff Beekman jbeekman at fsu.edu
Mon Feb 26 09:59:39 EST 2024

Hi All,

First, a great big thank you for the work so many have put into preparing for this week, and more formal appreciation will be sent after we wrap up our NASAD visit. Right now, however, we are very much "in it," and I want to ensure all are kept aware of the schedule and opportunities to meet with our NASAD reviewers:

Today (2/26):
      1:00 - 4:00 FAB, ATL, and KRB Tour: I'll be taking Denise, Susan, and Peg through our spaces. During this they will be checking out facilities, likely pop into classes (not staying for more than a few minutes) and asking questions. If area heads and/or techs are available, it would be a great to introduce you.
      4:00 - 5:00 All CFA Faculty Meeting: WJB 2004
      5:00 - 6:00 All CFA Adjunct/Contingent Faculty Meeting: WJB 2005

Tomorrow (2/27):
      12:00 - 1:00: Lunch with CFA Staff: WJB Library
            -this includes lab techs and those with support roles out at CAB as well.
      5:00 - 6:00 All CFA Graduate Student Meeting: WJB 2005

A quick note about the various faculty, student, and staff meetings. Please take advantage of these - no admin (including myself) will be present, and these really are a time when the NASAD reviewers want to hear from you. I anticipate that they will ask probing questions to get the ball rolling, to which you should reply truthfully. You could and should bring up those aspects of the job which are not great, but also understand that it really helps to acknowledge those facets which are useful and appreciated as well. I say this because getting accredited well is honestly in everyone's best interests. This is particularly the case for the students who have made the decision to study at FSU in part based upon the currency a degree from our program affords.

Thanks All, see you soon - and if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out!

Jeff Beekman
Associate Professor, Department Chair
Department of Art
Florida State University
405.650.9276 (cell)

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