[Art-instructors] NASAD Visit Details and Involvement

Jeff Beekman jbeekman at fsu.edu
Mon Feb 19 15:42:28 EST 2024

Hi All,

First, thank you all so much for the work you have already put into this in terms of gathering artwork. The exhibition for this will be this Friday, Feb. 23rd from 4:00 - 7:00 pm. This will be the largest exhibition of student work we've had in many years, and I really love that it incorporates all levels and areas. Please hype this up to your students and, if you are able, plan to attend yourselves!

Also, while the NASAD schedule is still evolving, I wanted to let you know a few things that are relevant.

There will be an All-CFA Adjunct/Contingent Faculty meeting, tentatively scheduled for Monday, Feb. 26th, from 5:00 - 6:00 pm in WJB 2005. From what I understand this is intended to be an open forum. They will ask questions to get the ball rolling, but mostly they want to hear from you. This is for our Adjunct Instructors only. (Grads, you will get the opportunity to meet with reviewers as well in an All-CFA Graduate Meeting. Details will from either Rob or I.)

Also, tentatively Monday, Feb. 26th, from 1:00 - 4:00 pm I'll be touring NASAD reviewers around FAB, ATL, and KRB. During this time, we will be going everywhere. This includes potentially popping into your classes. Please don't be weirded out by this. As long as you are doing the good, engaged teaching I've grown to expect from all of you, it will be great.

As mentioned, these times are still tentative, but I wanted to put them on your radar. Confirmation of the above or notification of any changes will be forthcoming.

Thanks All,

Jeff Beekman
Associate Professor, Department Chair
Department of Art
Florida State University
405.650.9276 (cell)

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