[Art-instructors] Reminder: First Day Attendance Policy Compliance
Celeste Ivory
mivory at fsu.edu
Thu Aug 29 15:19:01 EDT 2024
From: Sara Shields <skshields at fsu.edu>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2024 1:32 PM
To: Barbara Parker-Bell <bparkerbell at fsu.edu>; David Gussak <dgussak at fsu.edu>; Jeffrey Broome <jbroome at fsu.edu>; Karina Donald <kdonald at fsu.edu>; Nancy Gerber <ngerber at fsu.edu>; Pat Villeneuve <pvilleneuve at fsu.edu>; Rachel Fendler <rfendler at fsu.edu>; Amber Ward <award2 at fsu.edu>; Ann Rowson <ann.rowson at fsu.edu>; Victoria Barr <vbarr at fsu.edu>; Wen Guo <w.guo at fsu.edu>; Meredith Rubin <mr11h at fsu.edu>; Christen Garcia <csg24b at fsu.edu>; Kevin Curry <kcurry at fsu.edu>; Lilian Garcia Roig <lgarciaroig at fsu.edu>; Rob Duarte <rduarte at fsu.edu>; Jiha Moon <jmw23m at fsu.edu>; Jamie Ho <jh24bl at fsu.edu>; Jean Shon <jys24 at fsu.edu>; Brian Dick <bd24j at fsu.edu>; Meredith Lynn <mllynn at fsu.edu>; Mona Bozorgi <mb22bu at fsu.edu>; Jana Cariddi <jmc24h at fsu.edu>; Elizabeth Di Donna <edidonna at fsu.edu>; Celeste Ivory <mivory at fsu.edu>; Christopher Rivera <crrivera at fsu.edu>; April Webb <amwebb at fsu.edu>; Amy Fleming <ajfleming at fsu.edu>; Gregg Matthews <gsmatthews at fsu.edu>; Tenee Hart <tahart at fsu.edu>; Nicholas Geshwiler <ngeshwiler at fsu.edu>; Alex Adkinson <aadkinson at fsu.edu>; Jabari Townsend <j.townsend at fsu.edu>; Katie Kehoe <mkk22f at fsu.edu>; Marty Fielding <mfielding at fsu.edu>; June Dollar <jdollar at fsu.edu>; Jordan Evans <jte072 at fsu.edu>; Adam Jolles <ajolles at fsu.edu>; Jean Hudson <jhudson at fsu.edu>; Karen Bearor <kbearor at fsu.edu>; Lynn Jones <lajones at fsu.edu>; Paul Niell <pniell at fsu.edu>; Robert Neuman <rneuman at fsu.edu>; Stephanie Leitch <sleitch at fsu.edu>; Erika Loic <eloic at fsu.edu>; Kristin Dowell <kdowell at fsu.edu>; Kyle Killian <kkillian at fsu.edu>; Lorenzo Pericolo <lp22s at fsu.edu>; Tenley Bick <tbick at fsu.edu>; Brendan Weaver <bjw23b at fsu.edu>; Mora Beauchamp-Byrd <mjb23j at fsu.edu>; Emily Johnson <etjohnson at fsu.edu>; Sheri Patton <spatton at admin.fsu.edu>; Anjali Austin <aaustin at fsu.edu>; Ansje Burdick <aburdick at fsu.edu>; Caleb Mitchell <cmitchell5 at fsu.edu>; Carla Peterson <cpeterson2 at fsu.edu>; Daniel Smith <Daniel.Smith at fsu.edu>; Farai Malianga <fmalianga at fsu.edu>; Hannah Schwadron <hschwadron at fsu.edu>; Ilana Goldman <igoldman at fsu.edu>; Willa Zollar <wzollar at fsu.edu>; Jen Atkins <jatkins at fsu.edu>; La Toya Davis-Craig <ldavis3 at fsu.edu>; James Sandifer <RSandifer at admin.fsu.edu>; Suzanne Farrell <sfarrell at fsu.edu>; Tiffany Rhynard <trhynard at fsu.edu>; Timothy Glenn <tglenn at fsu.edu>; Tom Welsh <twelsh at dance.fsu.edu>; Gwen Welliver <gwelliver at fsu.edu>; Kehinde Ishangi <kehinde.ishangi at fsu.edu>; Anna Dees <A.DEES at fsu.edu>; Chris Cameron <ccameron2 at fsu.edu>; Diane Riley <dlriley at fsu.edu>; Jeffrey Bray <jbray at fsu.edu>; Rachel Hunter <rshunter at fsu.edu>; Ian Plouffe <iplouffe at fsu.edu>; Nia L Love <lal14f at fsu.edu>; Kara Wilkes <kew22n at fsu.edu>; Ryker Laramore <rlaramore at fsu.edu>; Mikayla Shay Blue <m.blue at fsu.edu>; Amy Huber <amattinglyhuber at fsu.edu>; Amy O'Keefe <aokeefe at fsu.edu>; Daejin Kim <dk24v at fsu.edu>; Jae Hwa Lee <jl24bk at fsu.edu>; Luis Castaneda <lc24bc at fsu.edu>; Jim Dawkins <jdawkins at fsu.edu>; Kelley Robinson <kgrobinson at fsu.edu>; Marlo Ransdell <mransdell at fsu.edu>; Meghan Mick <mmick at fsu.edu>; Stephanie Sickler <ssickler at fsu.edu>; Steven Webber <swebber at fsu.edu>; Terry Londy <tlondy at fsu.edu>; Yelena McLane <ymclane at fsu.edu>; Rebecca Cowart <rebecca.cowart at fsu.edu>; MiKayla Jeanyne Jackson <mjj22e at fsu.edu>; Aaron C Thomas <acthomas at admin.fsu.edu>; Madeleine Martin <mm24co at fsu.edu>; Lauren Gillis <lg24v at fsu.edu>; Laura Copenhaver <lec03d at fsu.edu>; Jasmine Bracey <jcb4432 at fsu.edu>; Casey Sammarco <Casey.Sammarco at fsu.edu>; Chari Arespacochaga <Chari.Arespacochaga at fsu.edu>; Elizabeth Osborne <bosborne at fsu.edu>; Jacki Armit <jarmit at fsu.edu>; Jim Lile <jlile at fsu.edu>; Kris Salata <ksalata at admin.fsu.edu>; Todd Wren <twren at fsu.edu>; Phillip Teagarden <ptt22a at fsu.edu>; Monika Gossmann <mg22cf at fsu.edu>; Amber Vann Lee <adv10c at fsu.edu>; Bradley Brock <BBrock at admin.fsu.edu>; Colin Campbell <cacampbell at fsu.edu>; Joshua Wickham <jwickham at admin.fsu.edu>; Kevin Grab <kgrab at fsu.edu>; Madison Weber <mw22e at fsu.edu>; Marcia McClellan <mmcclellan at fsu.edu>; Megan Mellino <mm15as at fsu.edu>; Michele Diamonti <mdiamonti at fsu.edu>; Sarah Jahnke <smjahnke at fsu.edu>; Teddy Moore <tmoore6 at fsu.edu>; Kathryn Wickham <kwickham at fsu.edu>; Nicholas Maccarone <nmaccarone at fsu.edu>; Sarah Fahmy <sf23o at fsu.edu>; Brandon LaReau <blareau at fsu.edu>; Jennifer Gillette <jlg23c at fsu.edu>; Matthew Schmidli <mjs23k at fsu.edu>; Jack Rizzo <jrizzo at fsu.edu>; Jennifer Lynne Reichert <jreichert at fsu.edu>; Leah Gold <lgold at fsu.edu>; Andrei A Malaev-Babel <andrei.malaev at conservatory.fsu.edu>; Jonathan Epstein <jonathan.epstein at conservatory.fsu.edu>; Patricia Delorey <patricia.delorey at conservatory.fsu.edu>; DeAnna Wright <dwright5 at fsu.edu>; ChrIstopher Mcvicker <chris.mcvicker at conservatory.fsu.edu>; Lisa Beggy <lbeggy at fsu.edu>; Jason Tate <jptate at fsu.edu>; Marcus Johnson <mdjohnson2 at fsu.edu>; Mikayla Shay Blue <m.blue at fsu.edu>
Subject: Reminder: First Day Attendance Policy Compliance
Dear Faculty and Staff,
As we prepare to start the new semester, I would like to remind you of the importance of adhering to Florida State University’s First Day Attendance policy<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhello.fsu.edu%2Fevent%2Fattend-class-its-required-first-meeting-day-5&data=05%7C02%7CArt-instructors%40lists.fsu.edu%7C0ff9463b565649e1b5a208dcc85f7072%7Ca36450ebdb0642a78d1b026719f701e3%7C0%7C0%7C638605559429061640%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=4%2BhhYFnIOqsznvfs0ofcrmCmtGVUP0nu4f6GQskdh54%3D&reserved=0>. This policy is crucial for maintaining accurate records and ensuring that our students are engaged from the very beginning of their courses. Please forward this email along to any adjunct or TA's that you are supervising, to ensure they are also aware of the policy and how to follow it.
First Day Attendance Policy:
Requirement: Faculty must take attendance on the first day of class for all students registered for the course. This applies to both in-person and online classes.
Submission: Once attendance is recorded, you must submit it through the designated FSU system by the end of the first week of classes. This is essential for identifying students who are not attending and for administrative processes such as financial aid disbursement and course enrollment management.
Importance: Following this policy helps the university maintain compliance with federal regulations regarding financial aid, assists in identifying students who may need additional support early on, and ensures that all students are accounted for in their respective courses.
Please make sure to follow this procedure for each of your classes. If you are unsure of how to submit first-day attendance or need a refresher, you can find detailed instructions for how to complete attendance submission HERE<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fscribehow.com%2Fshared%2FAccessing_Faculty_Course_List_on_FSU_Portal__S2MRe1e-R0Kdl-062B4sEw&data=05%7C02%7CArt-instructors%40lists.fsu.edu%7C0ff9463b565649e1b5a208dcc85f7072%7Ca36450ebdb0642a78d1b026719f701e3%7C0%7C0%7C638605559432343130%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=EC1LoqR9YhiQ3asdDZarLwtgnXl%2Bz97%2ByGmllk%2FcFTM%3D&reserved=0>.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. Your cooperation ensures that we start the semester smoothly and support our students effectively from day one.
I hope you all enjoy the upcoming 3-day weekend ❤️
Sara Scott Shields, PhD
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Associate Professor, Art Education
College of Fine Arts
Book time to meet with me<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Foutlook.office.com%2Fbookwithme%2Fuser%2F427de89e236a45f58d5ae79eb3d5fdf9%40fsu.edu%3Fanonymous%26ep%3Dsignature&data=05%7C02%7CArt-instructors%40lists.fsu.edu%7C0ff9463b565649e1b5a208dcc85f7072%7Ca36450ebdb0642a78d1b026719f701e3%7C0%7C0%7C638605559432343130%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=m1uWWQ4jZr%2BFqv%2BL44hYJJZq2%2B9O%2BN8224ny047D54o%3D&reserved=0>
*to maintain productivity and focus I try to only check email around 9am | 4pm
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