[Art-instructors] Required Syllabi Language

Celeste Ivory mivory at fsu.edu
Tue Aug 15 15:00:12 EDT 2023

Dear All,

Updated syllabi content and language has been placed in SharePoint - Syllabi - Syllabi Resources - AY 2023-2024, linked here [https://res.cdn.office.net/assets/mail/file-icon/png/folder_16x16.png] AY 2023-2024<https://fsu.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/CFA/Art/Syllabi/Syllabi%20Resources/AY%202023-2024?csf=1&web=1&e=xaOmhn>

The 1-page required syllabi language included in the Template for Student Syllabus F23.doc is mandatory. At minimum, this text must be included in all syllabi.​

As the question often comes up, you may also wish to include:

MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES FEES:  The Art Department charges a materials fee to be used for expendable materials and supplies used throughout the semester. Your material and supply fees for this course will be primarily used for material costs and special projects.

EQUIPMENT FEES:  Students also pay an equipment fee when they register for classes. This fee covers everything from computers and software, to FabLab equipment, to hand tools, ­to equipment in the sculpture lab, and equipment in the “equipment checkout” supply, to maintenance. Encourage your students to take full advantage of all the equipment we have on hand.

  *   Syllabi due to Directors/Area Heads - August 21st
  *   Directors/Area Heads reviewed syllabi due to Art Office (email Celeste) - August 28th

Kind regards,

Celeste Ivory, MFA
Department of Art  |  College of Fine Arts  |  Florida State University
Fine Arts Building 220  |  530 W. Call Street  |  Tallahassee, FL 32306-1150
850.644.3147  |  mivory at fsu.edu<mailto:mivory at fsu.edu>
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