[Art-instructors] Student Art Work Collection for NASAD Accreditation

Jeff Beekman jbeekman at fsu.edu
Tue Nov 29 12:39:07 EST 2022

Hi All,

As all should have heard by now, we are going through NASAD accreditation next Spring ('24). An important component of this will be the collection and exhibition of student artwork for our evaluators to assess.

If you have an exemplary work or two being generated by your students this semester as final projects that they'd be willing to let us hold onto until Spring '24, we'd love to exhibit it.

Here is the [https://res-geo.cdn.office.net/assets/mail/file-icon/png/pdf_16x16.png] NASAD Intake Form.pdf<https://fsu.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/CFA/Art/Easp_F47a-lGuZTMxAcu-7EB0AnML8yCDluU_ZpsMHPnUw>, which is to be printed and physically attached to the base/back of the artwork. To keep a running record of all the works collected, we also request instructors fill out this Qualtics link<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3vZgjxMXjLDjSSi>, which you can additionally access via a QR code included on the NASAD Intake Form.

If the student is graduating before Spring '24, please ask them for an email and phone number that they can be contacted through post-graduation. While we, unfortunately, will not be able to physically mail artwork, we will absolutely reach out after our NASAD visit to facilitate the return of work.

We do have a collection spot at CAB, but for now, I'd appreciate your storing any collected work in your offices (including the Adjunct/TA office). We are in the process of figuring out the transportation logistics, which we will share shortly.

Should you have any questions please reach out to your Area Heads/Directors. Area Heads/Directors, should you have any questions feel free to reach out to me directly.

Again, this is all about showcasing the great work our students are producing and the awesome teaching you do as instructors!

All Best,


Jeff Beekman
Pronouns: he, him, his
Associate Professor
Associate Chair
Department of Art
Florida State University
405.650.9276 (cell)

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