[Art-instructors] FW: Library updates

Keith Patterson kpatterson2 at fsu.edu
Wed May 27 11:30:49 EDT 2020

Hi all,

Please see the information below, from Jessica Ingram:

Starting today, Tuesday, May 26, the FSU Libraries are offering curbside pick-up of library materials in the Strozier and Dirac collections for FSU faculty and students. We are aiming for a 48-72 hour turnaround (3 business days) but we expect the process will be faster as staffing allows.

For more information about the service, including pick-up protocol and the link for placing a request, see: https://lib.fsu.edu/service/curbside-pick-up

Other scanning resources:

*       Special Collections & Archives (SCA): The SCA team will be prioritizing digitization for instruction this summer and fall and are prepared to build Canvas modules, Zoom into classes, and work with faculty to support research and teaching. If you want to include instruction or materials from SCA, be sure to make your request early, as prepping for an online environment requires additional time. Visit the SCA website for more information: https://www.lib.fsu.edu/specialcollections/index.html.

*       Interlibrary Loan (ILL): ILL is accepting requests for articles and book chapters. We will fulfill requests when electronic copies are available, but there may be delays due to library closures nationwide. Please note: ebook licensing and copyright law prohibits us from receiving entire ebooks via ILL or UBorrow. Interlibrary Loan and UBorrow services for print materials remain suspended.

*       Course Reserves: Physical course reserves are still suspended but ware accepting requests for electronic course reserves, which are uploaded directly into Canvas. Instructors who need library materials scanned for their courses may use our Reserve Item Request page and for audiovisual materials, please see our Streaming Media Course Reserves information page: https://www.lib.fsu.edu/service/course-reserve-information-faculty

Please keep an eye on our COVID-19 news page for the most up-to-date news on our resources and services: https://lib.fsu.edu/news/covid-19

Be in touch with a Leah Sherman if you have questions.

All the best,


Jessica Ingram
Assistant Professor
Department of Art

Pronouns: She/Her


New book out now!   ROAD THROUGH MIDNIGHT: A Civil Rights Memorial <https://uncpress.org/book/9781469654232/road-through-midnight/>
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