[Art-instructors] FW: Revising Course Syllabi

Stephanie James sljames at fsu.edu
Thu Mar 26 10:43:56 EDT 2020

Good morning,

Please see the important detail in Scott’s message below.

Hope all is going well,


Stephanie James
She, her, hers
Chair, Department of Art
College of Fine Arts
Florida State University
Tel: (850) 644-8254
Email: sljames at fsu.edu

From: Scott Shamp <sshamp at fsu.edu>
Date: Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 10:27 AM
To: Antonio Cuyler <acuyler at fsu.edu>, Anjali Austin <aaustin at fsu.edu>, Adam Jolles <ajolles at admin.fsu.edu>, Stephanie James <sljames at fsu.edu>, Bradley Brock <BBrock at admin.fsu.edu>, Jill Pable <jpable at fsu.edu>
Cc: James Frazier <jfrazier at fsu.edu>, Shelby Heitmuller <sheitmuller at fsu.edu>, Eddie Page <elpage4 at gmail.com>, Michele Diamonti <mdiamonti at fsu.edu>
Subject: Revising Course Syllabi

Leadership Team,
Yesterday (Wednesday, 3/25) the University sent out an email to all faculty about the changes to our grading options.  That email directed faculty to this web page
https://fla.st/2JhVjPm for more information.

There is one very time sensitive requirement buried in this document.  Under the section “Syllabus Requirement,” it states that faculty must revise their syllabi to address the grading options for the class by FRIDAY, 3/27 — as in tomorrow!

Please remind your faculty to make these changes so students can make an informed decision about which grading scheme to select.


Scott Shamp, Ph.D.
Senior Associate Dean
College of Fine Arts
Florida State University

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