[Art-instructors] FW: A Letter From The Dean

Stephanie James sljames at fsu.edu
Tue Apr 7 16:01:11 EDT 2020


The Dean has sent out message to everyone but I don’t think all of you were included – so here you go.


Stephanie James
She, her, hers
Chair, Department of Art
College of Fine Arts
Florida State University
Tel: (850) 644-8254
Email: sljames at fsu.edu

From: Shelby Heitmuller <sheitmuller at fsu.edu> on behalf of James Frazier <jfrazier at fsu.edu>
Date: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 at 2:58 PM
To: Aaron C Thomas <acthomas at admin.fsu.edu>, Amber Vann Lee <avann at fsu.edu>, Anthony Gunn <acgunn at fsu.edu>, Anthony Rhine <arhine at fsu.edu>, Antonia Collins <acollins3 at fsu.edu>, Barbara Geathers-Thomas <BGThomas at admin.fsu.edu>, Elizabeth Osborne <bosborne at fsu.edu>, Bradley Brock <BBrock at admin.fsu.edu>, "C. Jackson" <ccjackson at admin.fsu.edu>, Casey Hagwood <chagwood at fsu.edu>, Chari Arespacochaga <Chari.Arespacochaga at fsu.edu>, Christina Nabity <cnabity at fsu.edu>, Colin Campbell <cacampbell at fsu.edu>, Colleen Muscha <cmuscha at fsu.edu>, Dale Jordan <dfjordan at fsu.edu>, Debra Hale <dhale at fsu.edu>, Elliott Turley <eturley at fsu.edu>, Fred Chappell <fchappell at fsu.edu>, Jason Estala <jestala at fsu.edu>, Jason Tate <jptate at fsu.edu>, Jean Lickson <jlickson at fsu.edu>, Jennifer Riker <jriker at fsu.edu>, Jessica West <jpwest at fsu.edu>, Jim Lile <jlile at fsu.edu>, Jo Sanburg <jsanburg at fsu.edu>, Joshua Wickham <jwickham at admin.fsu.edu>, Kassidy Coburn <klcoburn at fsu.edu>, Kate Gelabert <kgelabert at fsu.edu>, Kellen Hoxworth <khoxworth at fsu.edu>, Kevin Grab <kgrab at fsu.edu>, Kris Salata <ksalata at admin.fsu.edu>, Marcia McClellan <mmcclellan at fsu.edu>, Mary Dahl <MKDahl at admin.fsu.edu>, Megan Mowery <mmowery at fsu.edu>, Michele Diamonti <mdiamonti at fsu.edu>, Robert Coleman <rcoleman at fsu.edu>, Sarah Goodson <sgoodson at admin.fsu.edu>, Sarah Jahnke <smjahnke at fsu.edu>, Sukanya Chakrabarti <schakrabarti at fsu.edu>, Teddy Moore <tmoore6 at fsu.edu>, Terri Bourus <terri.bourus at fsu.edu>, Thomas Ossowski <tossowski at fsu.edu>, Zachary Cramer <zcramer at admin.fsu.edu>, Amy Fleming <ajfleming at fsu.edu>, Allison Spence <aespence at fsu.edu>, Ananda Balingit-LeFils <ajb03e at fsu.edu>, Anne Stagg <astagg at fsu.edu>, Carolyn Henne <chenne at admin.fsu.edu>, Carrie Ann Baade <cjonesbaade at fsu.edu>, Jessica Comellas <jcc09e at fsu.edu>, Charles Badland <badland at neuro.fsu.edu>, Clinton Sleeper <csleeper at fsu.edu>, Cynthia Hollis <chollis at fsu.edu>, Daniel Luedtke <dluedtke at fsu.edu>, Denise Bookwalter <dbookwalter at fsu.edu>, Dorrie Sanders-Duarte <dsandersduarte at fsu.edu>, Edward Toner <etoner at fsu.edu>, Liz DiDonna <edidonna at fsu.edu>, Holly Hanessian <hhanessian at fsu.edu>, Jeff Beekman <jbeekman at fsu.edu>, Jessica Ingram <jingram2 at fsu.edu>, John Mann <jmann at fsu.edu>, Judith Rushin <jrushin at fsu.edu>, June Dollar <jdollar at fsu.edu>, Kathy Bailey <kbailey at admin.fsu.edu>, James Patterson <kpatterson2 at fsu.edu>, Keith Roberson <kroberson at fsu.edu>, Kevin Curry <kcurry at fsu.edu>, Lilian Garcia Roig <lgarciaroig at fsu.edu>, Mark Messersmith <mmessersmith at fsu.edu>, Marty Fielding <mfielding at fsu.edu>, Robert Berg <rberg at admin.fsu.edu>, Rob Duarte <rduarte at fsu.edu>, Stephanie James <sljames at fsu.edu>, Tenee Hart <tahart at fsu.edu>, Terri Lindbloom <tlindbloom at fsu.edu>, Tom Hall <thall4 at fsu.edu>, Tra Bouscaren <abouscaren at fsu.edu>, Ann Rowson <ann.rowson at fsu.edu>, Amber Ward <award2 at fsu.edu>, Antonio Cuyler <acuyler at fsu.edu>, Barbara Parker-Bell <bparkerbell at fsu.edu>, David Gussak <dgussak at fsu.edu>, Jeff Broome <jbroome at fsu.edu>, Nancy Gerber <ngerber at fsu.edu>, Patricia Villeneuve <pvilleneuve at fsu.edu>, Rachel Fendler <rfendler at fsu.edu>, Sara Shields <skshields at fsu.edu>, Theresa Van Lith <tvanlith at fsu.edu>, Victoria Barr <vbarr at fsu.edu>, Tori Cole <vcole at fsu.edu>, Adam Jolles <ajolles at admin.fsu.edu>, Doron Bauer <dbauer at fsu.edu>, Jack Freiberg <freiberg at fsu.edu>, Jean Hudson <jhudson at fsu.edu>, Juan Barcelo Gonzalez <juan.barcelo at fsu.edu>, Karen Bearor <kbearor at fsu.edu>, Kristin Dowell <kdowell at fsu.edu>, Kyle Killian <kkillian at fsu.edu>, Lauren Weingarden <lweingarden at fsu.edu>, Lynn Jones <lajones at fsu.edu>, Michael Carrasco <mcarrasco at fsu.edu>, Paul Niell <pniell at fsu.edu>, Robert Neuman <rneuman at fsu.edu>, Sheri Patton <spatton at admin.fsu.edu>, Stephanie Leitch <sleitch at fsu.edu>, Tenley Bick <tbick at fsu.edu>, "inb18b at my.fsu.edu" <inb18b at my.fsu.edu>, "acc18h at my.fsu.edu" <acc18h at my.fsu.edu>, "jfg18c at my.fsu.edu" <jfg18c at my.fsu.edu>, "al19x at my.fsu.edu" <al19x at my.fsu.edu>, Justin Sosnicki <jsosnicki at fsu.edu>, Breanna Bruner <bbruner at fsu.edu>, Amy Huber <amattinglyhuber at fsu.edu>, Amy O'Keefe <aokeefe at fsu.edu>, "alo05 at my.fsu.edu" <alo05 at my.fsu.edu>, Deborah Alexander <dlalexander at fsu.edu>, Jill Pable <jpable at fsu.edu>, Jim Dawkins <jdawkins at fsu.edu>, "jud813 at gmail.com" <jud813 at gmail.com>, Kelley Robinson <kgrobinson at fsu.edu>, Kenneth Saginario <ksaginario at fsu.edu>, Kenan Fishburne <kfishburne at fsu.edu>, Marlo Ransdell <mransdell at fsu.edu>, Maxim Nasab <mnasab at fsu.edu>, Sarah Ashcroft <sashcroft at fsu.edu>, Stephanie Sickler <ssickler at fsu.edu>, Steven Webber <swebber at fsu.edu>, Yelena McLane <ymclane at fsu.edu>, Santiago Martinez <smartinezoropeza at fsu.edu>, "cliffglowacki at gmail.com" <cliffglowacki at gmail.com>, Alayna Lee <aalee2 at fsu.edu>, Anjali Austin <aaustin at fsu.edu>, Anna Singleton <ASingleton at admin.fsu.edu>, Ansje Burdick <aburdick at fsu.edu>, Caleb Mitchell <cmitchell5 at fsu.edu>, Carla Peterson <cpeterson2 at fsu.edu>, Chris Cameron <ccameron2 at fsu.edu>, Currie Leggoe <cleggoe at fsu.edu>, Daniel Smith <djs3749 at fsu.edu>, David Atkins <dnatkins at fsu.edu>, Diane Riley <dlriley at fsu.edu>, Donna Uchizono <duchizono at fsu.edu>, Douglas Corbin <dcorbin at fsu.edu>, Gregory Golden <ggolden at fsu.edu>, Gwen Welliver <gwelliver at fsu.edu>, Hannah Schwadron <hschwadron at fsu.edu>, Ilana Goldman <igoldman at fsu.edu>, Willa Zollar <wzollar at fsu.edu>, Jeffrey Bray <jbray at fsu.edu>, Jen Atkins <jatkins at fsu.edu>, Josephine Garibaldi <jgaribaldi at fsu.edu>, Kehinde Ishangi <kehinde.ishangi at fsu.edu>, Andrea-La Toya Davis-Craig <ldavis3 at fsu.edu>, Rachel Hunter <rshunter at fsu.edu>, James Sandifer <RSandifer at admin.fsu.edu>, Sally Sommer <ssommer at fsu.edu>, Suzanne Farrell <sfarrell at fsu.edu>, Tiffany Rhynard <trhynard at fsu.edu>, Timothy Glenn <tglenn at fsu.edu>, Tom Welsh <twelsh at fsu.edu>, David Atkins <dnatkins at fsu.edu>, Jennifer Petuch <jpetuch at fsu.edu>, Anabel Bordelon <abordelon at fsu.edu>, Meagan Helman <mhelman at fsu.edu>, Maddie Kurtz <mrkurtz at fsu.edu>, Erika Leeds <eleeds at fsu.edu>, Kameron Chatman <kmc16b at my.fsu.edu>, "nd18bf at my.fsu.edu" <nd18bf at my.fsu.edu>, "C.J. Everett" <ce16g at my.fsu.edu>, "gary at gfcreativemusic.com" <gary at gfcreativemusic.com>, Benjamin Gunter <bbg4940 at fsu.edu>, "ian.evans.guthrie at gmail.com" <ian.evans.guthrie at gmail.com>, Arun Holmes <aholmes2 at fsu.edu>, "benjaminrhodes2 at yahoo.com" <benjaminrhodes2 at yahoo.com>, Kieron Sargeant <ksargeant at fsu.edu>, "adeline.r.saylor at gmail.com" <adeline.r.saylor at gmail.com>, Aaron Spotts <aspotts at fsu.edu>, "jacob.kight92 at gmail.com" <jacob.kight92 at gmail.com>, Scott Freese <sfreese at fsu.edu>, "gb17e at my.fsu.edu" <gb17e at my.fsu.edu>, Ethan Bigelow <ebigelow at fsu.edu>, Ryan Boehme <rboehme at fsu.edu>, Rebecca Fitton <rfitton at fsu.edu>, Brenna John <bjohn at fsu.edu>, Jamin Koster <jkoster at fsu.edu>, "claire at tasicon.com" <claire at tasicon.com>, James Woodworth <jwoodworth at fsu.edu>, Celeste Ivory <mivory at fsu.edu>, Charity May <cimay at fsu.edu>, Cristina Izquierdo <cizquierdo at fsu.edu>, Jay Fox <jtfox at fsu.edu>, Jessica Comas <jcomas at fsu.edu>, Kendal McDowell <kmmcdowell at fsu.edu>, Meredith Mank <mmank at fsu.edu>, Nathaniel Leonard <nLeonard at innovation.fsu.edu>, Nicholas Parparian <nparparian at fsu.edu>, Pavel Protsyuk <pprotsyuk at fsu.edu>, Rachel Collins <racollins at fsu.edu>, Saleshia Ellis <sdellis at fsu.edu>, Scott Shamp <sshamp at fsu.edu>, Shelby Heitmuller <sheitmuller at fsu.edu>, Thomas Jones <tajones3 at fsu.edu>, Kelly Overstreet <koverstreet at fsu.edu>, Edda Barrios <ebarrios at fsu.edu>, Marvin Bouquette <mbouquette at fsu.edu>, Erika Blanco <edblanco at fsu.edu>, Brianna Cady <bcady2 at fsu.edu>, Casey Copeland <cgcopeland at fsu.edu>, Orlando Lewis <olewis2 at fsu.edu>, Tory Dellafiora <tdellafiora at fsu.edu>, Carolyn Henne <chenne at admin.fsu.edu>, Denise Bookwalter <dbookwalter at fsu.edu>, Judith Rushin <jrushin at fsu.edu>, Marty Fielding <mfielding at fsu.edu>, Rob Duarte <rduarte at fsu.edu>, Jean Young <jdyoung at fsu.edu>, Annie Booth <albooth at fsu.edu>, Meredith Lynn <mllynn at fsu.edu>, Preston McLane <pmclane at fsu.edu>, Wayne Vonada <wvonada at fsu.edu>, Kelly Hendrickson <khendrickson at fsu.edu>, Ivan Penafiel <ipenafiel at fsu.edu>, Elton Burgest <eburgest at fsu.edu>, Rachel Hudson <rwhudson at fsu.edu>, Jamaal Shakespeare <jns18 at fsu.onmicrosoft.com>, "emb16c at my.fsu.edu" <emb16c at my.fsu.edu>, Andrei Malaev <andrei.malaev at conservatory.fsu.edu>, ChrIstopher Mcvicker <chris.mcvicker at conservatory.fsu.edu>, Debi Schalch <debi.schalch at conservatory.fsu.edu>, Eliza Ladd Schwarz <eliza.ladd at conservatory.fsu.edu>, Gregory Leaming <greg.leaming at conservatory.fsu.edu>, Jonathan Courtemanche <jonathan.courtemanche at conservatory.fsu.edu>, Jonathan Epstein <jonathan.epstein at conservatory.fsu.edu>, Patricia Delorey <patricia.delorey at conservatory.fsu.edu>, Eddie Page <epage at fsu.edu>, Emily Johnson <etjohnson at fsu.edu>, Melissa Sinclair <msinclair at fsu.edu>, June Dollar <jdollar at fsu.edu>, Michele Diamonti <mdiamonti at fsu.edu>
Subject: A Letter From The Dean

Dear College of Fine Arts Faculty and Staff Members,

As we move through the third week of remote education, I am reaching out to you not with another update on the state of the University, but to say how thankful I am to each of you for the work that you are doing. So far, it has been relatively quiet in the College of Fine Arts (CFA). Hopefully, little-to-no-news is, good news.

I am in regular communication with the academic chairs and the directors, who keep me apprised of the ways that you all are engaging in planning and working through the challenges of maintaining curricular integrity, to the degree that is possible, given our present circumstances. For that, on behalf of the students, myself, and the institution, I am most thankful to you.

I understand that what has been required of you is not one size fits all. For some, the transition to remote teaching was added work (for sure), but it was doable, without feeling as though the quality or content of your teaching is compromised. For others, what you’ve been asked to do may feel in complete conflict with the substance of what you teach and how you teach it.  To re-envision and repackage how you engage students in physical, and/or necessarily intimate and interpersonal interaction as something done at a distance, without the essential components like tools and equipment or hands-on guided instruction, or the multi-layered sensory experience that is critical to your disciplines, is no small order. And for some, there are added concerns about certification and licensure, where what students know and are able to do is of heightened significance in relation to professional readiness.

The fact that colleagues around the nation are suffering the same challenges as we are is of little comfort. The uncertainty of what will be weighs heavily. I cannot, in my role as dean or as a person, a father, a son, or brother, pretend to be unaffected, unafraid, or sure. I am worried – concerned about the health and well-being of you, of our students and staff. Likewise, I am worried about the future of higher education. Nevertheless, like you, I remain steadfast and committed to advancing the mission of the College and the University.

In the weeks prior to moving to remote teaching and operations, and since, I have appreciated the manner in which University upper administration has engaged deans and required that we do the same in gathering perspective and consensus from our academic units around critical decisions. I am heartened by the care and attention given to protect all members of the University community and the decided focus on student services and support. I’m proud to be a part of Florida State University and very proud to be at the helm of the College of Fines Arts, where the faculty and staff have risen to meet the challenges of each day with integrity, grace, creativity, and critical and strategic thinking.

Thank you for the excellent work you are doing. I hope that you are able to find time for yourselves and for those you love, as you attend to the needs and requests of your students and administrators like me.

I wish you well and I hope to see you when we can safely do so without the need for electronic devices or apps, masks or gloves, or unnatural distance. In the meantime, Associate Dean Scott Shamp, the Dean’s Office Staff, and I are here to assist you, should you need us.

Take good care,

James Frazier
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