[Art-instructors] FW: First Book Forum - please circulate

Keith Patterson kpatterson2 at fsu.edu
Mon Nov 4 11:34:18 EST 2019

Hi all,

FSU Libraries has partnered with the FSU Office of Proposal Development and the Office of Faculty Development for an event that caters to creators, researchers and scholars interested in publishing books. Join us on Friday, November 22nd from noon to 4:30pm as we offer a wide welcome to those looking to publish bibliographic work, academic or creative work or their dissertation or book chapter. This half-day forum will cover how to get started with proposals, how to land agents, copyright basics, managing editors and more.

Please visit http://bit.ly/FSUFBFRSVP<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScq2WJDVObZ_T_KzW4W9ctBi853GyhY8TTN8opvKICBwkCSwg/viewform> .

The event will be held at Strozier Library in the Bradley Reading Room. Lunch will be provided.
Leah Sherman
Visual & Performing Arts Librarian
Florida State University Libraries
116 Honors Way
Tallahassee, FL 32306

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