[Art-instructors] mold-making and casting demo with Reynold Advanced Materials rep next Wednesday, 3/13, 9:05-11:35 am

Carolyn Henne chenne at admin.fsu.edu
Wed Mar 6 22:15:23 EST 2019

I am emailing you because you are a student or a faculty member in the Department of Art.  
Amee Whitt, a representative from Reynolds Advanced Materials, will be doing demos of their mold-making and casting materials on Wednesday, 3/13, 9:05am to 11:35 am in the crit room in the Sculpture Lab.  

She will cover topics on life-casting, casting and painting silicone, brush-on molds, different mother molds, roto-casting, and other topics.

In addition to my class, we can probably accommodate 20 people. It will be crowded but we want to welcome as many as we can.  I figure this should be first come, first served.  So the first 20 people that email me will be on the list and I’ll keep an alternate list of 5 just in case someone cancels.  

Let me know if you want to attend.


Carolyn Henne
Professor, Department of Art
College of Fine Arts
Florida State University
220 Fine Arts Building
Tallahassee, Florida  32306

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