[Art-instructors] Reminder: The Spring 2019 Sculpture Lab Clean Up

Carolyn Henne chenne at admin.fsu.edu
Mon Apr 22 19:03:55 EDT 2019

The Spring 2019 Sculpture Lab Clean up is:
-  Thursday evening, 4/25, 6-9pm -
-  Friday, 4/26, 9am-3pm -

  *   All students who used the lab this semester are required to participate  (if you didn’t use the lab and you don’t have anything stored in there, you can ignore this email😃)

     *   you will need to sign in
     *   if you cannot be there, check with Richard for tasks you can do beforehand
     *   we will be reporting back to your instructor regarding participation

  *   Students need to clean out their stuff from the lab - shelves, lockers, and anywhere else

     *   everything must go BEFORE clean up (BEFORE THURSDAY, 4/25 AT 6PM) unless students have made special arrangements with Richard and clearly labeled their items with their name and phone number
     *   LOCKERS: If students are using hall lockers or lockers in the lab, students must empty them and leave them open.  Items left in lockers after the clean up will be thrown away.
     *   NO WORK CAN BE STORED IN THE LAB (or the hallway).
     *   RETURN "BORROWED" TOOLS - drills, drill bits, glue bottles, clamps, tape measures, screw drivers, sanders, heat guns

  *   If students don’t remove their own items, they may get thrown away or given to someone who will do the removal
  *   Note:  Things going in the trash (boxes, sculpture, long material) must get broken down so we can fit everything in the trash area

Carolyn, Sculpture Area Head

SPECIAL REQUEST: Please don’t throw away any cushion-y type material (batting, foam rubber etc) .  I’d like to have it for next semester.  Just email me and I’ll arrange to pick it up from you.

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