[Agedirectors] Please help us distribute this project survey to independent living older adults

Lenard Kaye len.kaye at maine.edu
Mon May 9 20:50:05 EDT 2022

*May 9, 2022*

*Dear Center on Aging Directors:*

*We are asking each of you for your assistance in distributing the
invitation below to older adults, 60 years of age and older, who are living
independently (not in a long-term-care setting).*

*We are aiming for maximum participation by older adults
throughout the country and your help will be very helpful in obtaining
broad scale participation.*

*Many thanks,*




*You are invited to participate in a research study. The University of
Maine is conducting research on long-term care, with Principal
Investigators Dr. Lenard Kaye, Director of the University of Maine Center
on Aging; Dr. Jennifer Crittenden, Associate Director of the University of
Maine Center on Aging; and Angela Hunt, Chief Innovation Officer at The
Cedars. You are being invited to participate in a national survey of
independent-living older adults on their expectations and preferences about
nursing home or assisted living care for their future selves or for a loved
one. *

*The Designation of Excellence project, described further at the website
linked below, is a multi-year project to create standards of care in
nursing homes and assisted living homes based on information gathered from
people like you, as well as from current residents of long-term care, their
family members, and from long-term care staff and leadership. Your input is
extremely valuable for efforts to improve long-term care services in the
future and we hope you will support this national effort. Please visit the
project website at https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.pccexcellence.org/__;!!PhOWcWs!zP6A6Ues2TBlD4NCnTTcsHVwOYxGE_JKgqdb14friEz9PkZUYp746dm9h9PlC2HbaJhQZn3FKHV53_Khid5Jb3zt1w$ 
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.pccexcellence.org/__;!!PhOWcWs!zP6A6Ues2TBlD4NCnTTcsHVwOYxGE_JKgqdb14friEz9PkZUYp746dm9h9PlC2HbaJhQZn3FKHV53_Khid5Jb3zt1w$ > for more information about the study.*

*The survey is electronic, completely anonymous, and will take about 15-20
minutes. It asks a few background questions about where you live and your
overall health and the remainder of the survey asks about your expectations
and priorities around aspects of care that you might receive should you or
a loved one have to move into a long-term care community. Any individual
aged 60 years or older and living independently in the United States is
eligible to complete the survey. The survey is available until June 5,

*To find out more about the risks and benefits of your participation and
how survey data will be handled by the research team, please click on the
attachment below or the yellow highlighted link to review the informed
consent document (which is also a part of the survey). If you wish to
participate, you can access the survey by clicking on the green highlighted
link below.*

*Thank you for your contribution to this important research! Feel free to
forward this email to other older adults who may be interested in


*Dr. Len Kaye*


*Please click here  <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://redcap.link/national_independentsurvey__;!!PhOWcWs!zP6A6Ues2TBlD4NCnTTcsHVwOYxGE_JKgqdb14friEz9PkZUYp746dm9h9PlC2HbaJhQZn3FKHV53_Khid6Ur-_kPA$ >to take
the survey*

<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://redcap.um.maine.edu/surveys/?s=FK7NMW7E88__;!!PhOWcWs!zP6A6Ues2TBlD4NCnTTcsHVwOYxGE_JKgqdb14friEz9PkZUYp746dm9h9PlC2HbaJhQZn3FKHV53_Khid7Fx8DgsA$ >

*Informed Consent (click here to open)*
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kaf-qn7KL4yT07vou5w3L4TgXBRr1YujTOhjxlK9knc/edit?usp=sharing__;!!PhOWcWs!zP6A6Ues2TBlD4NCnTTcsHVwOYxGE_JKgqdb14friEz9PkZUYp746dm9h9PlC2HbaJhQZn3FKHV53_Khid41sqwwoA$ >


Lenard W. Kaye, D.S.W., Ph.D. (He, Him, His)
Director, UMaine Center on Aging
Professor, UMaine School of Social Work
Camden Hall
25 Texas Avenue
Bangor, Maine 04401-4324
telephone: 207-262-7922; fax: 207-262-7921
e-mail: len.kaye at maine.edu
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