[Agedirectors] list of centers in the Center's Director's Interest Group?

Aldwin, Carolyn Carolyn.Aldwin at oregonstate.edu
Sun Mar 14 15:42:22 EDT 2021

Hi, Callie.  Center for Healthy Aging Research.  Will you please share the copy of your list? Thx! Carolyn

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From: Agedirectors <agedirectors-bounces at lists.fsu.edu> on behalf of Callie Kindelsperger via Agedirectors <agedirectors at lists.fsu.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, March 9, 2021 10:46:34 AM
To: agedirectors at lists.fsu.edu <agedirectors at lists.fsu.edu>
Subject: [Agedirectors] list of centers in the Center's Director's Interest Group?

[This email originated from outside of OSU. Use caution with links and attachments.]

Hi all,

I am sending out this email in the hopes of getting the names of the lists of your Centers that are represented in the Center Director’s Interest Group? Dr. Montepare is presenting a talk on AFU and wishes to emphasize the work on aging is happening in various ways across the various institutions as the foundation, and it would be a good nod to acknowledge the group, as well as for our benefit to have a list of the institutions compiled, so if you could send me the names of your institutions at your earliest convenience, I will compile them into a list. Your help is greatly appreciated!


Callie Kindelsperger

Institute for Successful Longevity

Florida State University

Email: cperson at fsu.edu

Phone: 850-644-8571

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