[Agedirectors] Spring Recruitment Events for Georgetown Aging & Health Program

Pamela Saunders Pamela.Saunders at georgetown.edu
Fri Feb 22 16:17:44 EST 2019

M.S. in Aging & Health

Georgetown University

Join us at one of our upcoming recruitment events this Spring to learn more
about the M.S. in Aging & Health program.

Talk to faculty and students from the Aging & Health program, and
admissions representatives from the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences.

In-Person Events:

Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Open House

Thursday, February 28th, 12-2 p.m.

Georgetown University, Pedro Arrupe, S.J. Residence Hall,

37th and O Streets, N.W. Washington, DC 20007

Register here!

M.S. in Aging & Health On-Campus Event for Prospective Students

Wednesday March 13th, 3-5 p.m.

Georgetown University

The Car Barn

3520 Prospect St. N.W.

Conference Room 427 - Prospect St. Entrance (follow posted signs)

Washington, DC 20007

Register here!

Virtual Webinars:

February 27th, 4-5 p.m.

Register here!

March 12th, 4-5 p.m.

Register here!

Please visit https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__aging.georgetown.edu_admissions_events&d=DwIBaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ta3lcIsFMDgL3R4IQrXbFxBPlKgU2Tiy5BUQ_--r6yc&m=LrxJM-AYNjprKTkc_HRcekRKFYprWjh3bEea3CcjZjk&s=wh_S8WPE3qyCYD4a0yjk58GQzFEfNSW3oqUVy3IY1TU&e= for more
information on our upcoming Admission Events!
Learn more about Georgetown's new masters program in Aging & Health

Pamela A. Saunders, PhD
Associate Professor & Program Director
Aging & Health Program
Director, Geriatrics Clerkship
Programs Chair, CENTILE
Aging at georgetown.edu
p <saunderp at georgetown.edu>amela.saunders at georgetown.edu
202.784.4771 <(202)%20784-4771>
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