[FSU iSchool-msit] Invitation to attend and/or judge LIS4761/LIS5916 Data Mining and Analytics term project presentations on 12/5

Zhe He Zhe.He at cci.fsu.edu
Mon Dec 2 10:50:05 EST 2019

Dear all,

Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving holiday!

You are invited to attend and judge LIS4761/LIS5916 Data Mining and Analytics term project presentations at HCB 308 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm this Thursday (December 5). Students will use state-of-the-art tools such as Weka, Python, Jupyter, and Pandas to build prediction models for various applications including:

1) Mortality prediction for stroke patients
2) German credit risk prediction
3) Mortality prediction for myocardial infarction patients
4) Liver disease prediction among Indians

In these presentations, students will showcase the process of building and evaluating prediction models, as well as how they tackled different challenges in machine learning such as outliers, imbalanced dataset, and missing values. It will be a great learning experience for graduate students who are looking to use machine learning and Python for their research.

Due to limited class time, students who will not present in class will provide the links to the recorded presentations on prediction insurance risk, classify zoo animals, classifying wine quality. You will be invited to judge them too.

If you’d like to be a judge, please send me an email and let me know.

Thanks very much!

Zhe He, PhD
Assistant Professor & Program Chair of MSIT, School of Information
Informatics Lead, UF-FSU Clinical and Translational Science Award
Method Core Lead, FSU Center for Translational Behavioral Science
Florida State University
142 Collegiate Loop
Tallahassee, Florida 32306

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