[Art-instructors] NASAD drop-offs reminder

Celeste Ivory mivory at fsu.edu
Tue Mar 28 12:18:51 EDT 2023

Dear All,

This is a general reminder that we ask you to collect and deliver student artwork this semester. There is an updated NASAD intake form in FAB220.

This 3-step process includes:

  *   (1) filling out the form in FAB220,
  *   (2) scanning the form's QR code and inputting information as a backup, and then
  *   (3) scheduling a time with office staff to drop-off the artworks on the 4th Floor.

For digital-only works, we have a slightly different process. Please:

  *   (1) complete the form in FAB220, and then
  *   (2) please use the following naming convention: instructorlastname_studentname_artworktitle_semesteryear
For example, beekman_celesteivory_alonetogether_SP23
  *   (3) use the following link to submit entries: https://fsu.sharepoint.com/sites/CFA/Art/NASAD%20Intake%20%20Digital%20ArtworksDocumentation/Forms/AllItems.aspx

Kind regards,

Celeste Ivory, MFA
Department of Art  |  College of Fine Arts  |  Florida State University
Fine Arts Building 220  |  530 W. Call Street  |  Tallahassee, FL 32306-1150
850.644.3147  |  mivory at fsu.edu<mailto:mivory at fsu.edu>
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