[Seuce-cci] SEUCE Conference Registration

Tricia Montgomery tmontgomery at fsu.edu
Tue Jan 9 15:48:16 EST 2024

Good afternoon,

I am the current CAPCSD VP for Professional Development and we are in the process of finalizing room space for the 2024 conference. This is a time-sensitive ask and will need to let the conference planning committee know by Thursday 1/11.

Would this group be interested in having a space for networking at the CAPCSD Conference in NOLA this April? If so, I will need a volunteer to be the point of contact with CAPCSD.

CAPCSD will have meeting rooms available on Thursday and Friday evenings from 5 PM - 6 PM. CAPCSD will not be providing food, beverage, or audiovisual services. They will just have a room, set up for breakout sessions in theater seating, and it will be available.

If there is an interest, I will have a room reserved for SEUCE.

Tricia Montgomery, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Director of Clinical Education
Teaching Faculty III
Florida State University
School of Communication Science and Disorders
201 West Bloxham Street
Tallahassee, FL  32306-1200
tmontgomery at fsu.edu<mailto:tmontgomery at fsu.edu>
850.644.9143 (office)

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