[Seuce-cci] University of Houston Clinic Director Position

Eckert, Janet F jfeckert at Central.UH.EDU
Wed Jun 7 13:56:17 EDT 2023

Thank you, Ellen.  Would you please send this out to SEUCE members?

The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Houston is seeking a new Clinic Director (director of clinical education) to administer the day-to-day activities of the University Speech-Language Hearing Clinic operations, including the speech-language pathology clinical training program.  Information about responsibilities and qualifications are available at the link below.

Clinic Director<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uhs.taleo.net/careersection/ex1_uhs/jobdetail.ftl?job=STA012192&tz=GMT-05*3A00&tzname=America*2FChicago__;JSU!!PhOWcWs!z1WKlPK5a3qw4gOcQAt9y57DVpNosi86Qpi-pWPmV1qaoRiiEciysEiMxQQhpt28LEAFiMuCprQoXbM6Vsc6QNW5EmHZ$ >

About our department:

Should you have any questions, contact:
Margaret (Peggy) Blake, PhD CCC-SLP ASHA Fellow
Professor and Chair
Communication Sciences & Disorders
University of Houston

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