[Seuce-cci] Happy SEUCE Conferencing

Ellen Nimmons Ellen.Nimmons at cci.fsu.edu
Thu Sep 29 11:46:37 EDT 2022

Hello! Hope everyone is having a wonderful time at the 2022 SEUCE Conference!  So sad to miss seeing everyone this year! Just a quick reminder that with the new academic year, please send me your requests for adding new clinical faculty members.  Also, notify me if anyone is interested in being removed from the listserv.

Have a great conference!


Ellen M. Nimmons, M.C.D., CCC-SLP
Teaching Faculty III; Faculty Clinical Supervisor
School of Communication Science and Disorders
Florida State University
201 West Bloxham St.
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1200
Office: 850-644-8449 FAX: 850-644-8994
Cell: 850-510-3395
ellen.nimmons at cci.fsu.edu
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