[Seuce-cci] Clinical Faculty Funding & Hourly Clinic Positions

Jessica Lynn Danley jessicad at uark.edu
Mon Nov 8 12:50:53 EST 2021

Good morning all,

New clinic director here! Do you mind helping with some questions regarding funding for clinical positions?

I am writing to learn if any university clinics hire contract/hourly SLPs for direct patient care.   Our clinic is interested in bringing on an hourly SLP with specialization in a few key areas (fluency, AAC, etc).  The long-term goal would be to grow the position to a clinical instructor line once sustainability/longevity in the service is demonstrated.

I would also be interested to learn whether your part-time and/or full-time clinical instructor lines are fully funded through your department, funded directly from clinic revenue OR if it is a mix of both (hard and soft funding from clinic revenue and the department).  Please include whether your clinic is for-profit or non-profit.  This would help a lot!

Thank you for any information you would be willing to share.  Please feel free to respond individually as well.  Wishing you all a fabulous November.


Jessica Lynn Danley, MS, CCC-SLP, CBIS

Clinical Education Coordinator, Communication Sciences and Disorders

Speech-Language Pathologist | Certified Brain Injury Specialist

University of Arkansas Speech and Hearing Clinic<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cdis.uark.edu/speech-hearing-clinic/index.php__;!!PhOWcWs!lkxphP0PUgqV5-wiyMJ3-62u_f-1y68I6fTPcl0LcxwrbtNgd2y_V5sVggmSxyV5hc_bxg$ >

606 N. Razorback Rd., Fayetteville, AR 72701

<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cdis.uark.edu/speech-hearing-clinic/index.php__;!!PhOWcWs!lkxphP0PUgqV5-wiyMJ3-62u_f-1y68I6fTPcl0LcxwrbtNgd2y_V5sVggmSxyV5hc_bxg$ >

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