[Seuce-cci] USF CSD faculty openings

Teresa Anthony tianthony at usf.edu
Thu Nov 4 21:45:01 EDT 2021

Good evening colleagues,

Please see attached for job openings in the CSD department at the University of South Florida.
We have openings for a Chair, tenure track SLP positions, and a SLP Clinical Instructor.

Thank you! Teresa

Teresa Anthony, MHA, MA, CCC-SLP

Director, Speech-Language Clinic & Bolesta Center

Clinical Instructor I, Speech-Language Pathologist

Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders

PhD Student, College of Public Health, Health Services Research

University of South Florida

Direct Line 813-974-8171

4202 E. Fowler Ave., PCD2000A

Tampa, FL 33620

tianthony at usf.edu

[cid:image001.png at 01D6B6D5.95BB7CF0]

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