[Seuce-cci] Off-site placements and precautions

Kendra Hudson khudson at southalabama.edu
Mon Jun 15 23:45:34 EDT 2020

University committees were formed and these documents were developed for
clinical practicums.  Hope it's helpful.  I look forward to seeing what
other universities have developed.

On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 11:43 AM Karen W. Saar via Seuce-cci <
seuce-cci at lists.fsu.edu> wrote:

> Good morning,
> I am curious about how everyone is handling off-site clinical placements
> for fall. At Lamar, as I am sure is happening everywhere, we are losing
> many sites and want to ensure safety measures for students going to sites
> that are still taking students.
> There are still a few healthcare settings still willing to take students.
> I am nervous about putting students back in day-to-day activity, but know
> we are tying to provide continued clinical training and keep them on track
> educationally. Have any of you come up with guidelines or policies around
> placements where individuals with a covid diagnosis are being treated?  My
> initial response is to limit student treatment in these cases, not to
> stigmatize this population, but because I don’t have enough guiding
> evidence to know the students and placements are taking the safest
> precautions.
> I know there are many unknown variables surrounding what could happen
> between now and fall, but would appreciate any feedback or insight
> regarding what your departments are doing.
> Thanks,
> Karen
> Karen Whisenhunt Saar, MS, CCC-SLP
> Director of SLP Clinical Services
> Lamar University
> Beaumont, Texas
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Kendra D. Hudson, Senior Instructor
Clinic Coordinator, Speech Pathology
251 445 9374
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