[Seuce-cci] Professional Development CE in Supervision: Follow-up

Debra Schober-Peterson dspeterson at gsu.edu
Wed Aug 19 14:57:39 EDT 2020

Hello SEUCE members,

As a follow-up to my email below, CAPCSD's learning modules are currently unavailable.    This is the information on the CAPCSD website:

eLearning Courses - Clinical Education


The CAPCSD Clinical Educator eLearning Courses are on the move and will not be available until early fall.

The four CAPCSD Clinical Educator eLearning courses are moving to a new digital home! The same great information will be available in each course, but packaged in a new, streamlined format for your use.  During the transition, the courses will not be available. Updates will be provided with Information from CAPCSD regarding how to resume using the courses when they are open on the new platform.

Once available, they are available at no cost.

I'm looking for any FREE continuing education sessions on supervision that are available now.   The video webinar on ASHA that was free is now part of the learning pass.

Thanks for any ideas you have.  Take care and stay well.

Best,  Debra

Debra Schober-Peterson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP,  BCS-CL
Board Certified Specialist-Child Language
Clinical Professor and Director of Clinical Education
Director, Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Georgia State University
PO Box 3979
Atlanta, GA  30302-3979
phone = 404-413-8304
fax = 404-413-8046
e-mail = dspeterson at gsu.edu
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://education.gsu.edu/slhclinic__;!!PhOWcWs!kmGC-UW-akOo1wG2acTv2ZJiBci9sr3rHqM4dkQKWVDvT6OcOZFs9SvSYbMC3aMbMiEZ8g$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https*3A*2F*2Feducation.gsu.edu*2Fslhclinic&data=02*7C01*7Cdspeterson*40gsu.edu*7C8bca917a3be14eabbd8208d75e265860*7C515ad73d8d5e4169895c9789dc742a70*7C0*7C0*7C637081391086944081&sdata=yWBFbFq6L4o3rRBVtzsFLL2tGQuO2*2FvY8iTR7OdJpHU*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSU!!PhOWcWs!kmGC-UW-akOo1wG2acTv2ZJiBci9sr3rHqM4dkQKWVDvT6OcOZFs9SvSYbMC3aNCynQ4-Q$ >

In Person/Delivery Address:
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Georgia State University
30 Pryor Street SW
Suite 800
Atlanta, GA  30303

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