[Seuce-cci] Question about student screening instruments

Elizabeth Zylla-jones zyllael at auburn.edu
Fri Jul 5 12:12:42 EDT 2019


Thank you for sharing your screening form.



From: Seuce-cci <seuce-cci-bounces at lists.fsu.edu> On Behalf Of Holland, Pam
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2019 6:44 AM
To: Lisa Scott <Lisa.Scott at cci.fsu.edu>
Cc: seuce-cci at lists.fsu.edu
Subject: Re: [Seuce-cci] Question about student screening instruments

Hello Elissa,

We complete screenings with our student in the Introduction UG class and incoming Graduate students as well.  I have attached the form we use for the 101 students but we use the same document for Graduates.

I would like to follow up with another question.  I am curious what others do when you have a student who does not pass any aspect of the screening.

On a positive side, we have identified student with a hearing loss, helped them obtain hearing aids and even Voc Rehab.
On a not so positive side, we have identified students with a social language disorder and had issues after issue.

Any policy or insight others want to share is welcome.

Pamela J. Holland, MA-CCC-S/BCS-S
Board Certified Specialist in Swallowing & Swallowing Disorders
Chair/Program Director
Department of Communication Disorders
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755
Office:  (304) – 696 -2985
Fax:  (304) – 696 -2986

On Jun 27, 2019, at 4:07 PM, Lisa Scott via Seuce-cci <seuce-cci at lists.fsu.edu<mailto:seuce-cci at lists.fsu.edu>> wrote:

Hi all,

Elissa Zylla-Jones from Auburn asked that I post this question for the group:

We currently screen speech, language and hearing for all of our incoming graduate students. We wish to modify the speech and language screening tool we are currently using for our incoming graduate students.
Would you be willing to share what you use to evaluate (screen) your new students for us to reference?

Thank you,

You can reply here to the listserv, or to Elissa privately at zyllael at auburn.edu<mailto:zyllael at auburn.edu>

Hope everyone is having a good summer!


Lisa A. Scott, Ph.D. CCC-SLP, F-ASHA
Director of Clinical Education
FSU School of Communication Science & Disorders
201 W. Bloxham
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1200
850.644.9143 (office)
850.644.8994 (fax)
Past President, Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences & Disorders

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