[Seuce-cci] Open Source Products for Materials Management

Clemins, Sarah nuckels at marshall.edu
Thu Aug 29 10:00:57 EDT 2019

We attempted to tackle this hurdle this semester at Marshall University.  We had reached out to our University library to see if they had suggestions regarding affordable inventory software.  We were surprised when they offered to include our materials in the current University system.  This means we were able to send them a list of our inventory, and they added it to the University library check in/check out system.  They restricted access to the materials to only our students and faculty.  This means students can use the library search engine to find available material, and we only had to purchase a card reader so students could scan their ID in our actual clinic to check items in and out.  This will be our first semester using the system, but we are hopeful it was a move in the right direction.


Sarah Clemins M. S. CCC-SLP
Assistant Professor
Director of Clinical Education
Department of Communication Disorders
Marshall University
nuckels at marshall.edu<mailto:nuckels at marshall.edu>

From: Seuce-cci <seuce-cci-bounces at lists.fsu.edu> on behalf of "Wendel, Renee via Seuce-cci" <seuce-cci at lists.fsu.edu>
Reply-To: "Wendel, Renee" <renee.wendel at txstate.edu>
Date: Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 9:51 AM
To: "seuce-cci at lists.fsu.edu" <seuce-cci at lists.fsu.edu>
Subject: [Seuce-cci] Open Source Products for Materials Management

Good morning everyone.

Do any of you have recommendations on free or affordable management strategies for your materials room?  If you could share the cost and what you like/don't like about it, I would be most appreciative.  We have been putting this off for far too long for various reasons, but I think our Leadership team is ready to move forward.

I'm thinking something similar to what a library uses to scan inventory in and out for checkout; and if it can tell us when we're low on test protocol's that would be fantastic.

Thanks so much for your assistance, and Happy Fall semester!

Renee M. Wendel, MS, CCC-SLP<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https*3a*2f*2furldefense.com*2fv3*2f__http*3a*2f*2ffaculty.txstate.edu*2fprofile*2f1921713__*3b*215Xm4_O-4tfk*21m7Jq5ULOSgntXRzTrHYPTiaRX7bKucNwJRrdw_w6JUiiDoz_RCoE7V8SEcP6GVr2sM4nUA*24&c=E,1,ZZpKEklQtPiIuh6WujuuUnbCG4EV8fC4wwqScR7VQ66KlWBr3PY-LRZ5gCA-7GjTK_UaZz5J83DaKotvwQaovPLVqFdcsKDdn9LG5L-3mGfDa5pA&typo=1__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSU!5Xm4_O-4tfk!l60p3c_iJhAmabIOI1T6AtNEmlvi0Zrgah_Le8sSWSOzM2WObXcOgi2EfnqTmLXnTh-Tog$ >
Director of Clinical Education
Senior Lecturer
Department of Communication Disorders

Texas State University - Round Rock Campus
Willow Hall rm 114

​Please Click Here to Make an Appointment<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https*3a*2f*2furldefense.com*2fv3*2f__https*3a*2f*2fforms.office.com*2fPages*2fResponsePage.aspx*3fid*3dShOcsckUTE2vZcQg-UyMu-UUKE9LuLBCj54ugKjFFqlUQTYwOEkxUlUzMVJMM01HMk42VkY0OE9HRy4u__*3b*215Xm4_O-4tfk*21m7Jq5ULOSgntXRzTrHYPTiaRX7bKucNwJRrdw_w6JUiiDoz_RCoE7V8SEcP6GVqs2SSnWw*24&c=E,1,jnkLI5Kx7MxNRA6p-s-eXyYXk8jk9PKgU3EGHW6qR2gW13sI_zaLTclnem4vTvNhzDiVvvFY_hhkzztgfThWaDU-hajaiXIVflB6Rh5pl99GwT0ZN3wI&typo=1__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!5Xm4_O-4tfk!l60p3c_iJhAmabIOI1T6AtNEmlvi0Zrgah_Le8sSWSOzM2WObXcOgi2EfnqTmLUKmmXDNA$ >

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