From ERyan at Tue Jan 7 18:06:53 2025 From: ERyan at (Erin Ryan) Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2025 23:06:53 +0000 Subject: [Law-envtlfsufaculty] FSU Center for Envtl., Energy, & Land Use Law - Winter 2025 Newsletter In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [] Jan. 7, 2025 [] Erin Ryan, Assoc. Dean for Envtl. Programs Happy New Year to all, from FSU! As we welcome 2025, we want to formally welcome our new Program Associate, Madison Maurer, who has fast become an integral member of our team. Madison graduated from Sarah Lawrence in 2020 with a degree in literature and creative writing, and she recently moved back to the US from Berlin, where she worked in Communications. She has already brightened our halls with enthusiasm and dedication to our mission, students, and events. Outside of work, Madison enjoys writing, growing flowers and vegetables on her South Georgia farm, and witnessing the constant surprises that nature provides. Madison, we are lucky to have you with us! We also want to invite all of you to join us for another stirring programmatic series this semester, headlined by our Spring 2025 Distinguished Lecturer, Professor John Leshy of the UC College of Law in San Francisco, who presents America's Public Lands: What Will Donald Trump's Legacy Be? on Feb. 26, 2025. We are also honored to be joined by Professors William Eskridge of Yale Law School, Kristin Hickman of the University of Minnesota Law School, and FSU's own Mark Seidenfeld and Brian Slocum for a Zoom event on Jan. 29, exploring the significance of the Supreme Court's decision last Term in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo. All events are open to the public and registration information is offered below, together with links to the archives of our Fall 2024 events. Finally, we invite students to mark your calendars for our Spring '25 Environmental Course Tasting Menu on March 19, to learn about our Fall 2025 offerings over lunch, and to join us on a walking field trip to the Elinor Klapp-Phipps Park on April 2, to explore the magical forests, wetlands, and wildlife of the Red Hills region. Look for more on how to register in the coming months! Sending warm wishes for all good things in the year to come. --ER Faculty Scholarship and News [] Shi-Ling Hsu, D'Alemberte Professor Carbon Pricing: History and Context, Ch. __ in Institutions for Effective Climate Action (Metcalf, C. and S. Stern, eds., forthcoming 2025). Climate Resilience: A Typology, __ UMKC. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming symposium, 2025). Recruiting Capitalism for Environmental Protection, in Can Democracy Be Reconciled? (Milkis, S. and S. Miller, eds, forthcoming 2024). Supplying Life Necessities in a Climate-changed Future, in Adapting to High-Level Warming: Equity, Governance, and Law (Kuh, K. and Roesler, S.N., eds., 2024). Western Water Rights in a 4?C Future, in Adapting to High-Level Warming: Equity, Governance, and Law (Kuh, K. and Roesler, S.N., eds., forthcoming 2023) (with Kevin Lynch and Karrigan Bork). Non-market Values in the Draft Update of Circular A-4, Yale J. Reg. Notice & Comment (2023). [] Erin Ryan, Elizabeth C. & Clyde W. Atkinson Professor Environmental Law and the New Separation of Powers after West Virginia, Sackett, Loper-Bright, and Corner Post, 109 Minn. L. Rev. ___ (2025). Saving Mono Lake: The Prologue, Epicenter, and Implementation of the Landmark Audubon Society Public Trust Litigation, 58 U.C. Davis. L. Rev. ___ (2025). Public Trust Principles and Environmental Rights: The Hidden Duality of Climate Rights Advocacy and the Atmospheric Trust, 49 Harv. Envt'l. L. Rev. ___ (2024). Sackett vs. EPA and the Regulatory, Property, and Human Rights Based Strategies for Protecting American Waterways, 74 Case Western Res. L. Rev. 281 (2023). Privatization, Public Commons, and the Takingsification of Environmental Law, 171 U. Penn. L. Rev. 617 (2023). How the Successes and Failures of the Clean Water Act Fueled the Rise of the Public Trust Doctrine and Rights of Nature Movement, 73 Case Western Res. L. Rev. 475 (2022). [] Mark Seidenfeld, Patricia A. Dore Professor of Administrative Law Conceptions of Sovereignty and American Federalism, ___ FSU L. Rev ___ (forthcoming 2025). Rethinking the Good Cause Exception to Notice and Comment Rulemaking in Light of Interim Final Rules, 75 Admin. L. Rev. 787 (2023). The Limits of Deliberation about the Public's Values: Reviewing Blake Emerson, The Public's Law: Origins and Architecture of Progressive Democracy, 119 Mich. L. Rev. 1111 (2021) (Book Review). Textualism's Theoretical Bankruptcy and Its Implications for Statutory Interpretation, 100 B.U.L. Rev. 1817 (2020). The Bounds of Congress's Spending Power, 61 Ariz. L. Rev. 1 (2019). The Problem with Agency Guidance - or Not, 36 Yale J. Reg. Notice & Comment (May 3, 2019). [] Brian Slocum, Stearns Weaver Miller Professor Corpus-Linguistic Approaches to Lexical Statutory Meaning: Extensionlist VS. Intensionalist Approaches, 4 Applied Corpus Linguistics ___ (2023) (with Kevin Tobia and Stefan Th. Gries). Major Questions, Common Sense?, 97 S. Cal. L. Rev 5. (2023) (with Kevin Tobia & Daniel Walters). The Linguistic and Substantive Canons, 137 Harvard L. Rev. For. 70 (2023) (with Kevin Tobia). Textualism's Defining Moment, 123 Colum. L. Rev. 1611 (2023) (with William N. Eskridge Jr. & Kevin Tobia). Ordinary Meaning and Ordinary People, 171 U. Penn. L. Rev. 365 (2023) (with Kevin Tobia & Victoria Nourse). Unmasking Textualism: Linguistic Misunderstanding in the Transit Mask Order Case and Beyond, 122 Colum. L. Rev. For. 192 (2022) (with Stefan Th. Gries, Michael Kranzlein, Nathan Schneider & Kevin Tobia). [] Tisha Holmes, Courtesy Professor of Law, Assistant Professor, Department of Urban & Regional Planning Grants: Uejio, C., Holmes, TJ., and Powell, E. 2023-2025. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Building Resilience Against Climate Effects Program. Award: $1 million. Can Florida's Coast Survive Its Reliance on Development? Fiscal Vulnerability and Funding Woes under Sea Level Rise. J. of Am. Planning Assoc. (in press) (with Shi, L., Butler, W., et al.). Evaluating Public Health Strategies for Climate Adaptation: Challenges and Opportunities from the Climate Ready States and Cities Initiative. PLOS Clim 2(3): e0000102 (2023) (with Joseph HA, Mallen E, McLaughlin M, Grossman E, Locklear A, et al.). Spatial Disparities in Air Conditioning Ownership in Florida, United States, J. of Maps, 19: (2023) (with Yoonjung Ahn, Christopher K. Uejio, Sandy Wong, and Emily Powell). What's Slowing Progress on Climate Change Adaptation?: Evaluating Barriers to Planning for Sea Level Rise in Florida, 28 Mitigation & Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 42 (2023) (with Milordis, A., and Butler, W.). Rural Communities Challenges and ResilientSEE: Case Studies from Disasters in Florida, Puerto Rico, and North Carolina, 7 Soc. Sci. & Human. Open (2023) (with Ivis Garcia Zambrana and Shaleen Miller). Upcoming Events: Spring '25 Distinguished Lecture [] On February 26th, the Center proudly welcomes our Spring '25 Distinguished Lecturer John Leshy, Emeritus Harry D. Sunderland and Distinguished Professor of Real Property Law at UC Law SF. John Leshy will present, America's Public Lands: What Will Donald Trump's Legacy Likely Be? As Professor Leshy will discuss, public lands, comprising nearly 30% of the nation's real estate (along with hundreds of millions of acres of submerged land offshore), are an important American institution. For a century and a half, the almost unbroken trend has been for the U.S. to acquire and to protect more land from intensive industrial development in order to serve the objectives of biodiversity and cultural resource preservation, education, inspiration, and recreation. Doubts are being raised about whether that trend will continue, given an increasingly polarized and dysfunctional political system, more strident calls for "drill baby drill," a more activist and conservative federal judiciary, and the challenges of coping with an increasingly unstable climate and dramatic loss of biodiversity. Drawing on his comprehensive public lands history published in 2022, Our Common Ground, his extensive experience in public land policy and administration, and relevant events in the first Trump Administration, Professor Leshy will sketch out possible answers to the question posed in the lecture title and offer some preliminary predictions. Join us Wednesday, February 26th at 3:30pm in the law rotunda, with a reception to follow. For those who cannot attend in person, it will be livestreamed here. FSU Administrative Law Panel [] Join us Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 3:30pm-5pm via Zoom for our FSU Administrative Law Panel Featuring William Eskridge (top left), Alexander M. Bickel Professor of Public Law at Yale Law School; Kristin Hickman (bottom right), Distinguished McKnight University Professor & Harlan Albert Rogers Professor of Law at the University of Minnesota Law School; and our very own Mark Seidenfeld (top right), Patricia A. Dore Professor of Administrative Law at Florida State University College of Law; and Brian Slocum (bottom left), Stearns Weaver Miller Professor at Florida State University College of law. Register Here Spring '25 Lunch & Learn Environmental Course Tasting Menu [] On March 19th, the FSU Environmental, Energy, and Land Use Law Faculty will be hosting students for lunch and to learn about the exciting classes we are offering in Fall 2025! We'll introduce the courses, answer your questions, and share some local pizza pies. More info to come! Trip to Elinor Klapp-Phipps Park [] Stay tuned for news on how to join the biannual FSU law field trip on Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025, to the Elinor Klapp-Phipps park, where we will explore the magical forests, wetlands, and wildlife of the Red Hills region. RECENT EVENTS Fall '24 Distinguished Environmental Lecture [] On October 30th, 2024, the Center hosted Gerald Torres, Professor of Environmental Justice, Yale School of the Environment, and Professor of Law, Yale Law School, on Environmental Justice: Environmental Joy. Torres explored how environmental and climate justice initiatives not only aim to alleviate suffering but also to improve overall well-being. He discussed how environmental law can play a pivotal role by creating and enforcing legal structures that mitigate harm and promote the restoration of both ecosystems and communities. Torres argued that the broader aim of Environmental Justice is to foster human and environmental well-being by supporting efforts that make the concept of "Environmental Joy" a practical reality. Watch FSU Law Alumni Environmental Career Panel [] On November 13th, 2024 the Center for Environmental, Energy, and Land Use Law held a career panel featuring FSU Alumni practicing Environmental, Energy, and Land Use Law in government, industry, NGO, and private practice jobs. James Parker-Flynn, our Director of the Center for Environmental, Energy, and Land Use Law moderated our panelists Janet Bowman, Senior Policy Advisor at the Nature Conservancy, Matt Knoll, Deputy Director of the Division of Water Resource Management at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and Joseph Ullo, Shareholder at Carlton Fields. Student Organization Spotlight [] Samantha Joles, President of SALDF, is a 2L working for Pets Ad Litem, a nonprofit animal welfare and activism organization founded by FSU Animal Law Professor, Ralph DeMeo. Samantha is also the owner and director of a nonprofit 501(c)(3) cat rescue, Feline Fine Animal Rescue. She hopes to continue her work in animal welfare throughout her law school career. Karelis Albornoz, Vice President of SALDF, is a 2L working for the Medical Prosecution Unit at the Department of Health. She spent her summer with her 3 dogs, interning at DOAH, and doing a study abroad in Italy. She hopes to continue with her passion of trial advocacy and to grow her fur family in the future. Julia Willis, Secretary of SALDF, is a 2L who spent her summer working at the Public Defender for the 3rd Circuit, where she sharpened her legal research skills and solidified her interest in a career in litigation. Next summer, she plans to explore civil litigation as a Summer Associate at RumbergerKirk in Orlando, Florida. Cate Coates, Treasurer of SALDF, is a 2L who spent the summer working at Gray Robinson, P.A. in Tallahassee, where she conducted legal research and drafted motions on a variety of civil litigation matters such as administrative and regulatory litigation. She is an avid animal lover and is excited for the upcoming legislative session and the opportunities it brings to advocate on behalf of animals. Alumni Spotlight [] Jacob Cremer, FSU Law JD, MSP 2010 was selected by The Best Lawyers in America? as Lawyer of the Year, Litigation - Land Use and Zoning (Tampa), 2025! Jacob is a shareholder at Stearns Weaver Miller in Tampa, where he has been lead counsel on a variety of complex permitting and economic development matters. He excels in complicated matters requiring both environmental and land use permitting, including brownfield designations, urban redevelopment, and master-planned communities. He has extensive experience protecting environmental and land use permits against challenges, defending against government compliance and enforcement issues, and litigating property rights issues, including before the United States Supreme Court. Watch Our Previous 2024 Events [] Watch [] Watch [] Watch [] Watch [] Watch [Twitter] [Facebook] [Instagram] [LinkedIn] [YouTube] ABOUT US | ACADEMICS | ADMISSIONS & FINANCIAL AID | OUR FACULTY | ALUMNI | CAREERS | STUDENTS Share this email: [Email] [Twitter] [Facebook] [LinkedIn] Manage your preferences | Opt out using TrueRemove(tm) Got this as a forward? Sign up to receive our future emails. View this email online. 425 W Jefferson St Tallahassee, FL | 32301 US This email was sent to mem24q at To continue receiving our emails, add us to your address book. [powered by emma] _________________________________________ Erin Ryan Elizabeth C. & Clyde W. Atkinson Professor Associate Dean for Environmental Programs Florida State University, College of Law 425 West Jefferson Street / Tallahassee, FL 32306 (850) 645-0072 / eryan at View my research at: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ERyan at Tue Jan 21 11:28:00 2025 From: ERyan at (Erin Ryan) Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2025 16:28:00 +0000 Subject: [Law-envtlfsufaculty] Wed., 1/29, by Zoom: Judicial Review of Agency Interp. after Loper Bright In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Join us on Wed., Jan. 29th, at 3:30pm via Zoom for Judicial Review of Agency Statutory Interpretation after Loper Bright. Sponsored by the FSU Center for Environmental, Energy, and Land Use Law, this Enrichment Event explores the implications of the Court's paradigm-shifting decision for the evolving landscape of judicial review with a panel of some of the nation's leading scholars in administrative law: William Eskridge of Yale Law School, Kristin Hickman of the University of Minnesota, and our very own Brian Slocum and Mark Seidenfeld. Please pre-register via this link or by scanning the barcode below: [cid:0319efa1-7ac6-4902-9095-bf53d962a828] _________________________________________ Erin Ryan Elizabeth C. & Clyde W. Atkinson Professor Associate Dean for Environmental Programs Florida State University, College of Law 425 West Jefferson Street / Tallahassee, FL 32306 (850) 645-0072 / eryan at View my research at: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Administrative Law Panel (1).png Type: image/png Size: 2105320 bytes Desc: Administrative Law Panel (1).png URL: