[Law-envtlfsufaculty] FSU Center for Envtl., Energy, & Land Use Law - Winter 2024 Newsletter

Erin Ryan ERyan at law.fsu.edu
Thu Jan 11 13:35:02 EST 2024

Center for Environmental, Energy,
and Land Use Law

January 11, 2024

Erin Ryan, Associate Dean
for Environmental Programs
Happy New Year to all, from FSU! Around the start of each calendar year, we like to celebrate the scholarly contributions of our vibrant program faculty, including Brian Slocum’s publications in the Harvard, Columbia, and U. Penn. Law Reviews, Mark Seidenfeld’s in the Michigan, B.U. and Arizona Law Reviews, Shi-Ling Hsu’s in the Utah Law Review and Yale Journal on Regulation, Tisha Holmes' extraordinary grants, and recognition by the Environmental Law Institute for my own article, Erin Ryan, Privatization, Public Commons, and the Takingsification of Environmental Law,<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/1y0xuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9Wr0vZw3JQ$> as one of the best in the field in 2023.  Below, we proudly celebrate these accomplishments, together with a sampling of our collective academic works, James Parker-Flynn's report on evolving climate litigation, selected accomplishments by our students and alumni, and the enriching contributions of our program visitors.
We also invite you to join us for another compelling programmatic series this Spring, headlined by our Spring 2024 Distinguished Lecturer and renowned property law theorist, Professor Gregory Alexander of Cornell University, who will present Reversing Means and Ends: The Human Flourishing Theory in Conditions of Climate Change on Feb. 7th. We are also honored to be joined by David Bookbinder, former Chief Climate Counsel for the Sierra Club and Niskanen Center, for a fascinating and timely discussion on Jan. 24th about the constitutional and common law claims that citizens, cities, and states are bringing against the fossil fuel industry, and by Timothy Bass, Assistant Chief Counsel in the Office of Chief Counsel for NASA, for a lively conversation on March 6th about environmental issues in space.  All events are open to public and registration information is offered below, together with links to the recorded archives of our Fall 2023 events.
Students, be sure to mark your calendars for our Lunch-and-Learn program on Feb. 21, an Environmental Program “Tasting Menu,” where the environmental faculty will introduce their Fall 2024 offerings and answer any questions you may have before Fall registration.  Finally, all FSU Law students are invited to join the Environmental Program for a Spring Field Trip to the Wakulla Springs State Park on April 3, where we’ll visit alligators, anhinga, and hopefully manatees on a specially themed river boat tour for students of environmental law.  Look for more information about how to register in the coming months! Sending warmest wishes for all good things in the year to come,
--Erin Ryan, Associate Dean for Environmental Programs

Faculty Scholarship and News


Shi-Ling Hsu, D'Alemberte Professor

Recruiting Capitalism for Environmental Protection<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/dc3xuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WpwbN-XXQ$>, in CAN DEMOCRACY AND CAPITALISM BE RECONCILED? (Milkis, S. and S. Miller, eds, forthcoming 2024).
Western Water Rights in a 4ºC Future, in ADAPTING TO HIGH-LEVEL WARMING: EQUITY, GOVERNANCE, AND LAW (Craig, R., J. Salzman & J.B. Ruhl, eds., forthcoming 2023) (with Kevin Lynch and Karrigan Bork).
Non-market Values in the Draft Update of Circular A-4<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/t43xuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WrPzxb9Qw$>, Yale J. Reg. Notice & Comment (2023).
On Electric Vehicles and Environmental Policies for Innovation<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/9w4xuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WqfjkC4GQ$> (a Review of John Graham's The Global Rise of the Modern Plug-in Electric Vehicle)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/pp5xuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WrK0qryUg$>, 14 Hastings Sci. & Tech L.J 231 (2023).
Climte Insecurity<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/5h6xuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9Wo6V8PQFw$>, 2023 Utah L. Rev. 129 (2023).

Erin Ryan, Elizabeth C. & Clyde W. Atkinson Professor

Sackett vs. EPA and the Regulatory, Property, and Human Rights Based Strategies for Protecting American Waterways,  74 Case Western Res. L. Rev. ___ (2023).
Privatization, Public Commons, and the Takingsification of Environmental Law<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/la7xuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WoEYtR38w$>, 171 U. Penn. L. Rev. 617 (2023).

How the Successes and Failures of the Clean Water Act Fueled the Rise of the Public Trust Doctrine and Rights of Nature Movement<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/127xuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WrzF66TJA$>, 73 Case Western Res. L. Rev. 475 (2022).

Environmental Rights for the 21st Century: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Public Trust Doctrine and Rights of Nature Movement<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/hv8xuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WohgighQQ$>, 42 Cardozo L. Rev. 2447 (2021) (with Holly Curry & Hayes Rule).

The Twin Environmental Law Problems of Preemption and Political Scale<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/xn9xuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WoVj1aBSQ$>, in ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, DISRUPTED (Keith Hirokawa & Jessica Owley, eds., 2021).

Mark Seidenfeld, Patricia A. Dore Professor of Administrative Law

Rethinking the Good Cause Exception to Notice and Comment Rulemaking in Light of Interim Final Rules, 75 Admin. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2023).

The Limits of Deliberation about the Public’s Values: Reviewing Blake Emerson, The Public’s Law: Origins and Architecture of Progressive Democracy<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/dgayuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WrwngFqKQ$>, 119 Mich. L. Rev. 1111 (2021) (Book Review).

Textualism’s Theoretical Bankruptcy and Its Implications for Statutory Interpretation<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/t8ayuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WpARcPjyQ$>, 100 B.U.L. Rev. 1817 (2020).

The Bounds of Congress's Spending Power<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/90byuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WpasTQ_Ww$>, 61 Ariz. L. Rev. 1 (2019).
The Problem with Agency Guidance – or Not<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/ptcyuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9Wrqo0bZaQ$>, 36 Yale J. on Reg.: Notice & Comment (May 3, 2019)


Brian Slocum, Stearns Weaver Miller Professor

Major Questions, Common Sense? (with Kevin Tobia & Daniel Walters) , __ S. Cal. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2023)
The Linguistic and Substantive Canons, __ Harvard L. Rev. For. __ (forthcoming 2023) (with Kevin Tobia).
Textualism's Defining Moment<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/5ldyuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9Wr-qX-gMA$>, 123 Colum. L. Rev. 1611 (2023) (with Willian N. Eskridge Jr. & Kevin Tobia).
Ordinary Meaning and Ordinary People<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/leeyuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WpTcEPHnQ$>, 171 U. Penn. L. Rev. 365 (2023) (with Kevin Tobia & Victoria Nourse).
Unmasking Textualism: Linguistic Misunderstanding in the Transit Mask Order Case and Beyond<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/16eyuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WoitlEjPA$>, 122 Colum. L. Rev. For. 192 (2022) (with Stefan Th. Gries, Michael Kranzlein, Nathan Schneider & Kevin Tobia).

Tisha Holmes, Courtesy Professor of Law, Assistant Professor, Department of Urband & Regional Planning

Uejio, C., Holmes, TJ., and Powell, E. 2023-2025. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Building Resilience Against Climate Effects Program. Award: $1 million.
Fang, L. and Holmes, TJ. 2023-2024. Transfer of Development Rights Program for Managed Coastal Retreat: Conceptual Design and Practical Applications. FSU Council on Research and Creativity. Award: $9,940.
Evaluating public health strategies for climate adaptation: Challenges and opportunities from the climate ready states and cities initiative<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/hzfyuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WodQIUBqQ$>. PLOS Clim 2(3): e0000102 (2023) (with Joseph HA, Mallen E, McLaughlin M, Grossman E, Locklear A, et al.).
Spatial disparities in air conditioning ownership in Florida, United States<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/xrgyuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WrEKrLSkQ$>, J. of Maps, 19: (2023) (with Yoonjung Ahn, Christopher K. Uejio, Sandy Wong, and Emily Powell).
What's Slowing Progress on Climate Change Adaptation?: Evaluating Barriers to Planning for Sea Level Rise in Florida, Mitigation & Adaptation Strategies for Global Change (in press) (with Milordis, A., and Butler, W.).
Can Florida’s Coast Survive Its Reliance on Development? Fiscal Vulnerability and Funding Woes under Sea Level Rise<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/dkhyuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WodMXaFmw$>. J. of Am. Planning Assoc. (in press) (with Shi, L., Butler, W., et al.).
Rural Communities Challenges and ResilientSEE: Case Studies from Disasters in Florida, Puerto Rico, and North Carolina<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/tciyuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WqLrCyQ0g$>, 7 Soc. Sci. & Human. Open (2023) (with Ivis Garcia Zambrana and Shaleen Miller).

Upcoming Events:
Spring 2024 Distinguished Lecture

On February 7, the Center proudly welcomes our Spring 2024 Distinguished Lecturer, Gregory S. Alexander. Professor Gregory S. Alexander is the A. Robert Noll Professor of Law, Emeritus at Cornell Law School. An internationally renowned expert in property law and theory, Professor Gregory has taught at Cornell Law School since 1985. Professor Alexander's lecture will focus on his upcoming article, Reversing Means and Ends: The Human Flourishing Theory in Conditions of Climate Change, which will be featured in FSU Law's Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law.
As Professor Alexander will discuss, the human flourishing theory of property posits that property is necessary for the development of the capabilities necessary for humans to flourish. Climate change creates conditions in which it may be possible and necessary to reverse this means-end relationship. That is, at least in some circumstances resulting from climate change capabilities may be the means, rather than the ends. Certain human capabilities have become the necessary means for achieving the goal of protecting property, both human and natural. Of these capabilities, sociability, or cooperativeness, is especially important to protecting property. In his lecture, Professor Alexander will illustrate how cooperativeness facilitates the goal of property protection in a concrete context of disasters brought about by climate change, namely, wild fires in California. Connecting this discussion with Elinor Ostrum’s work on the conditions of cooperation, he will point out the limits the capabilities approach to addressing the problems brought about by climate change.
Professor Alexander's lecture will be held February 7 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in the FSU Law Rotunda, with a reception to follow. All are welcome. For those who can attend in person, please click this link to RSVP<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/94iyuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WrRqAdkew$>. For those who cannot attend in person, the livestream can be accessed at the link below.


David Bookbinder on Climate Claims Brought By State and Local Governments

On January 24, the Center will welcome David Bookbinder, former Chief Climate Counsel for the Sierra Club and former Chief Counsel for the Niskanen Center. Bookbinder has been practicing public interest environmental law for more than 30 years, and has spent the last 20 litigating climate cases, drafting climate legislation, and wrestling with climate regulation.
Bookbinder will deliver a talk titled, State and Local Governments as Climate Plaintiffs and Climate Defendants: Hard Questions About the Role of the Judiciary, in which he will discuss the tort claims that state and local governments are bringing against the fossil fuel industry, and citizens' constitutional claims against States and the Federal government.
Bookbinder's talk will be held on January 24, from 12:30 - 1:30 P.M., in Room A221 of the law school. All are welcome. A livestream link is included below for those who cannot attend in person. For those who can attend in person, please click this link to RSVP.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/5pkyuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WruYOap6Q$>


Tim Bass on Environmental Concerns in Space Exploration

On March 6, the Center will welcome Tim Bass, Assistant Chief Counsel at NASA's Kennedy Space Center, for an Environmental Enrichment Lecture. Bass will discuss the environmental concerns in the ongoing development of space exploration. RSVP and livestream information will be sent out closer to the event.

Spring 2024 Lunch & Learn Environmental Course Tasting Menu

On February 21st, the FSU Environmental, Energy, and Land Use Law Faculty will be hosting students for Lunch and to Learn more about the exciting classes we are offering in Fall 2024.  We’ll introduce the courses, answer your questions, and share some delicious local pizza. More info to come!

Trip to Wakulla Springs

Stay tuned for news on how to join the biannual FSU law Wakulla Springs State Park Field Tripon Wednesday afternoon, April 3rd, where we will take a guided boat tour along one of the last stretches of true regional wilderness, joined by alligators, anhinga, and if temperatures permit, manatees.


Recent Events:
Fall 2023 Distinguished Lecture

On November 9, the Center proudly welcomed our Fall 2023 Distinguished Lecturer, Michael Gerrard. Professor Gerrard is the Andrew Sabin Professor of Professional Pratice at Columbia University, and the faculty director of the groundbreaking Sabin Center for Climate Change Law. A widely respected expert on climate law and policy, Professor Gerrard's lecture focused on his upcoming article, Urban Flooding: Legal Tools to Address a Growing Crisis, which will be featured in FSU Law's Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law.
As Professor Gerrard discussed,
climate change is making extreme precipitation events more intense and frequent in many parts of the world. This has led to damaging and often life-threatening flooding in many cities. Urban drainage systems were designed to accommodate rainfall patterns that no longer exist. A host of actions are required to help cities cope with the flooding that is now happening and that will become more severe in the decades to come: improved drainage systems; more "green infrastructure" to allow stormwater to infiltrate the soil; systems to store water temporarily; barriers to hold back water; elevating and otherwise redesigning buildings so that critical elements are above flood levels; and relocation of some uses away from vulnerable areas. His lecture explored the legal issues that arise with each of these types of actions, discussed how they can be financed, and made recommendations for legal reforms. It also considered the difficult task of setting priorities and making tradeoffs among potential actions.
A recording of Professor Gerrard's lecture can be viewed at the link below.


Faculty Spotlight:
Professor Ryan Honored for Article


Professor Erin Ryan's recent article, Privatization, Public Commons, and the Takingsification of Environmental Law<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/h3myuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WrwNQ01rg$>, 171 U. Penn. L. Rev. 617 (2023), was selected by the Environmental Law Institute (in partnership with Vanderbilt Law School) as one of the 20 best pieces in the field in 2023. The article "takes on the critical but undertheorized question of how to balance private and public interests in critical natural resource commons, including air, water, public lands, energy, and biodiversity resources, all of which are prone to forms of diminution by private exploitation." In doing so, it identifies "a set of legal biases, which we might call 'the privatization paradox,' that effectively create a one-way ratchet toward privatization at the expense of environmental values in public natural resources." The article argues that this "one-way conversion of public resources into private interests can survive policy transitions after elections, because it relies on private law norms—such as property and contract law tools—that are more enduring than public regulatory norms."

Alumni Spotlight


Rylie Slaybaugh, who graduated from FSU Law's Environmental Certificate Program in 2022, has taken her passion for environmental law to Colorado. After graduating, Slaybaugh first worked as a Fellow for the Denver City Attorney’s Office in their Municipal Operations Section. That opportunity soon led to another, as she joined the Colorado Department of Law in 2023, working as an Assistant Attorney General in the Air Quality Unit of the Natural Resources Section.

Student Organization Spotlight


We are proud to introduce the 2023-2024 leaders of FSU Law's Student Animal Legal Defense Fund, which provides a forum for education, advocacy and scholarship aimed at protecting the lives and advancing the interests of animals through the legal system, raising the profile of the field of animal law. From left:
Savannah Sherman (President) is a 3L who has always had a passion for animal welfare. She has held the position of SALDF President for her 2L and 3L years. Coming to law school, she discovered that an attorney can have a powerful role in advocating for the humane treatment of animals. She plans to relocate to Honolulu, Hawaii upon graduation.
Shawn Soscia (Vice President) is a 2L who has an interest in advocating for animal rights. His interest comes from his love of dogs, he currently has a 3 year old golden retriever named Samson.
Mitchell Tozian (Executive Editor) is a 2L interested in animal rights and welfare. Mitchell hopes to pursue these interests as a member of SALDF and through pro bono work when he graduates law school. Mitchell has a five year old Husky, Kylo, who loves to explore the outdoors.

In the News:
The Climates They Are a-Changin'

Based on preliminary data, it now appears that 2023 was the world’s hottest year on record<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/dooyuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WoAEeNotg$>. The culprit – as it has been for the previous hottest years – is human caused climate change, amplified by a significant El Niño event<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/tgpyuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WrupVLmiA$>. Several months set all-time heat records in 2023, and the temperature anomaly in September was so great that some climate scientists struggled to describe it, with one calling the month “gobsmackingly” hot<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/98pyuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9Wq-BgN_TA$>. Given that the temperature effects from El Nino typically are most impactful the year after it begins, there is a chance that 2024 could quickly displace 2023 atop the record books<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/p1qyuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WpsHE6oAg$>.
Despite the scientific consensus that the climate is warming and will continue to do so unless emission are drastically cut, climate litigants have been mostly unsuccessful in their attempts to effect meaningful change through the courts in the past two decades. 2023, however, suggests that the judicial climate may also be changing.
In August, Judge Seeley in the Montana First Judicial District Court, issued a lengthy order in Held v. Montana<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/5tryuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WoITYvkBA$>, concluding, among other things, that the plaintiffs have a “fundamental constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment, which includes climate as part of the environmental life-support system.” More recently, at the very end of 2023, Judge Ann L. Aiken of the Federal District Court of Oregon issued an order in the long-running case Juliana v. United States<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/lmsyuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WqIe9lxoA$>. The court had previously dismissed the plaintiffs’ claims “alleging injury from the devastation of climate change and contending that the Constitution guarantees the right to a stable climate system that can sustain human life,” but subsequently allowed the plaintiffs to amend. In their Second Amended Complaint plaintiffs alleged that defendants “have violated the Due Process Clause and Equal Protection Clause of the Fifth Amendment; the ‘unenumerated rights preserved for the people by the Ninth Amendment’ and the public trust doctrine”<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/1etyuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WpE_fj--w$> by failing to address climate change despite understanding the grave threats posed by climate change. This time around, the court denied in part defendants’ motion to dismiss, denied defendants’ motion for interlocutory appeal, and granted plaintiffs’ motion for a pretrial conference.
Held is, unsurprisingly, now on appeal in the Montana Supreme Court<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/1aq9pe/lmkod9hc/h7tyuj__;!!PhOWcWs!2Q4XXfKeGdyHNjO6RYNVS3rMuSjBwpDMyBv2WCPBoZOaHa1VUj1XlZr_HcPADXfiRrsAcFbBuL-qRfOjaztmdeBx9WqdZqITuQ$>, while the DOJ may again ask the Ninth Circuit to block the District Court of Oregon in Juliana. Nevertheless, these cases give hope to climate change activists that moving forward, the courts may yet be a meaningful tool in the fight against catastrophic climate change.

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Erin Ryan
Elizabeth C. & Clyde W. Atkinson Professor
Associate Dean for Environmental Programs<https://law.fsu.edu/academics/academic-programs/juris-doctor-program/environmental-energy-land-use-law>
Florida State University, College of Law
425 West Jefferson Street / Tallahassee, FL 32306
(850) 645-0072 / eryan at fsu.edu<mailto:eryan at fsu.edu>

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