[Law-envtlfsufaculty] FSU Center for Envtl., Energy, & Land Use Law - Summer 2023 Newsletter

Erin Ryan ERyan at law.fsu.edu
Mon Jul 10 12:19:04 EDT 2023

[Florida State University]
Center for Environmental, Energy,
and Land Use Law

July 10, 2023

Erin Ryan, Associate Dean
for Environmental Programs
We send happy summer wishes from sunny Florida, hoping that everyone is enjoying the season and finding ways to manage in the record high temperatures. Between excessive heat, strengthening storms, and air quality hazards associated with increasing wildfire, one hardly needs the FSU Center to remind us of the important role that lawyers will play in anticipating, mitigating, and adapting to climate change.  But we will continue to prompt those conversations, as we prepare the next generation of environmental lawyers to lead them.  For one example of what they might encounter, see Professor James Parker Flynn’s column below on potential White House interest in geoengineering solutions.

To that end, we congratulate our newest crop of Environmental Certificate and LL.M. graduates, who helped us celebrate another productive year at the Center.  This year, we offered our students 14 environmental courses, hosted 14 guest lecturers and panel participants over the 9 events of our annual environmental enrichment series, placed 14 students into environmental externships among different sectors of the profession, and credited 11 pro bono environmental service projects.  We also maintained our standing as one of the top ranked environmental law programs in the country, placing 9th among programs at public universities, tying for 21st among all programs nationwide, and tying for first in the state of Florida.

Finally, we’re excited to add a new course this fall, "Florida Environmental Law," designed to prepare students planning to practice in our dynamic in-state regulatory environment.  The course will be offered by Preston McLane, a program alum and attorney advisor who heads the Air Resources Division at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Students will benefit from his unique vantage point on both the legal and pragmatic aspects of environmental governance.  Don’t miss our rich fall semester lineup below!  --ER

Faculty Scholarship and News

Shi-Ling Hsu, D'Alemberte Professor

Non-market Values in the Draft Update of Circular A-4<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/xn5u5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2Ld5ZgdQ$>, Yale J. Reg. Notice & Comment (2023) (invited).

We Need Capitalism to Save Our Planet<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/dg6u5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2DJ9R3mM$>, Envtl F. (2023).

On Electric Vehicles and Environmental Policies for Innovation<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/t86u5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO29pTdpk4$> (a Review of John Graham's The Global Rise of the Modern Plug-in Electric Vehicle)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/907u5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO248ao6BU$>, 14 Hastings Sci. & Tech L.J 231 (2023)
Climate Insecurity<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/pt8u5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2Rc5aY7I$>, 2023 Utah L. Rev. 129 (2023).
Whither, Rationality<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/5l9u5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO23HlmTn4$>?<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/leav5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2XhSqFLU$>, 120 Mich. L. Rev. 1165 (2022).

Erin Ryan, Elizabeth C. & Clyde W. Atkinson Professor

Privatization, Public Commons, and the Takingsification of Environmental Law<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/xrcv5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2MhVfgQw$>, 171 U. Penn. L. Rev. 617 (2023).

How the Successes and Failures of the Clean Water Act Fueled the Rise of the Public Trust Doctrine and Rights of Nature Movement<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/dkdv5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2VG22K9k$>, 73 Case Western Res. L. Rev. 475 (2022) (invited essay for symposium on the 50th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act).

The Public Trust Doctrine, Property, and Society<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/tcev5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO26Hefy7I$>, in PROPERTY, LAW, AND SOCIETY (Nicole Graham, et al., eds., 2022).

Environmental Rights for the 21st Century: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Public Trust Doctrine and Rights of Nature Movement<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/94ev5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2K9IqF4M$>, 42 Cardozo L. Rev. 2447 (2021) (with Holly Curry & Hayes Rule).

The Twin Environmental Law Problems of Preemption and Political Scale<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/pxfv5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2u0JZe34$>, in ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, DISRUPTED (Keith Hirokawa & Jessica Owley, eds., 2021).

Mark Seidenfeld, Patricia A. Dore Professor of Administrative Law

Rethinking the Good Cause Exception to Notice and Comment Rulemaking in Light of Interim Final Rules, 75 Admin. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2023)

2022 Allen L. Poucher Lecture: The Implications of West Virginia v. EPA on the Administrative State, 74 Fl. L. Rev. For. (forthcoming 2023) (with Jessica Owley & Nathan Richardson) (Invited Panel Discussion, Andrew Hammond Moderator).

The Limits of Deliberation about the Public’s Values: Reviewing Blake Emerson, The Public’s Law: Origins and Architecture of Progressive Democracy<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/lihv5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2Uf4Llu8$>, 119 Mich. L. Rev. 1111 (2021) (Book Review)

Textualism’s Theoretical Bankruptcy and Its Implications for Statutory Interpretation<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/1aiv5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2Zs0wLKQ$>, 100 B.U.L. Rev. 1817 (2020)

The Bounds of Congress's Spending Power<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/h3iv5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2MM-OcrA$>, 61 Ariz. L. Rev. 1 (2019)

Tisha Holmes, Courtesy Professor of Law

Rural Communities Challenges and ResilientSEE: Case Studies from Disasters in Florida, Puerto Rico, and North Carolina<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/tglv5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2SSkw9eA$>, 7 Soc. Sci. & Human. Open (2023) (invited, with Ivis Garcia Zambrana and Shaleen Miller).
Assessment of an Evacuation Shelter Program for People with Access and Functional Needs in Monroe County, Florida During Hurricane Irma<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/98lv5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2g1tf6zM$>, VOL 306, Soc. Sci. & Med. (2022) (with Patrice Williams, Sandy Wong, Kathryn Smith, John Bandzuh & Christopher Uejio).

Locating Neighborhood Displacement Risks to Climate Gentrification Pressures in Three Coastal Counties in Florida, Prof. Geographer (2022) (with B. Melix, C. Uejio, A. Jackson, & W. Butler).

What's the Problem with Disaster? Anthropology, Social Work and the Qualitative Slot<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/p1mv5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO29usoELM$>, Qualitative Soc. Work, 20, 1496-1516 (2021) (with J. Mathias, T. McCreary, & J. Elsner).

Implementing a Mandate to Plan for Sea Level Rise: Top-down, Bottom-up and Middle Out Actions in the Tampa Bay Region<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/5tnv5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2t2mKvzw$>, J. Envtl. Plan. & Mgmt. (2021) (with W. Butler).

Tricia Ann Matthews
Professor of Legal Writing Tricia Matthews teaches Animal Law and advises our award-winning student chapter of the Animal Legal Defense Fund, which was recently elected as a national chapter of the year for a second consecutive year by the Animal Legal Defense Fund, a national organization dedicated to protecting the lives and advancing the interests of animals through the legal system, after a year of hosting many events. This was the fourth time FSU’s SALDF chapter has been recognized with this honor.
Professor Matthews recently published an article titled Improving Health Care for Patients with Dementia<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/lmov5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO23qze-eo$> in the Florida Capital Medical Society June Newsletter. The article aims to improve the quality of the interactions between a person struggling with dementia and all the various people called upon to help take care of that person (e.g., dentists, eye doctors, primary doctors, doctors/nurses/staff at the hospital or ER, health aides, relatives, etc.).

Upcoming Events:

This Fall, FSU Law's Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law will be celebrating its 40th anniversary with a series of events. The celebration will take place over Homecoming weekend, with events on Friday, October 20, and Saturday, October 21. On Friday afternoon, the center will host a Career Panel for current students and journal members, with several former journal members - including Colonel John Kiel, Jeff Wood (partner at Baker Botts and formerly with DOJ’s Environment and Natural Resources Division), Travis Voyles (Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources for the Commonwealth of Virginia), and Liz Williamson (partner at Williams Mullen) - sharing their career stories and insights. Later that evening, there will be a reception where journal alumni can gather and catch up. Finally, Saturday is the Homecoming football game, and current journal members will have a reserved table at the College of Law’s tailgate event at the law school.

Get Ready for Fall Classes!


This Fall, the Center will once again offer our students a number of exciting classes, including:

  *   Administrative Law (LAW6520-01 & 02)
  *   Admiralty Law (LAW7730-01)
  *   Animal Law (LAW7930-07)
  *   Energy Law (LAW7481-01)
  *   Environmental Law (LAW7930-45 & 46)
  *   Florida Environmental Law (LAW7930-19)
  *   Land Use Planning (URP5316-01)

Student Spotlight


Spring 2023 graduate Mackie Taranto had her paper, Florida’s Sea Turtle Strife: Changing the ESA and Florida Law to Include Climate Change, selected to be published in the Sea Grant Law and Policy Journal. Her paper reviews the Endangered Species Act’s current protections for Florida’s sea turtles, summarizes the Marine Turtle Protection Act, and then identifies the problems that Florida sea turtles face due to climate change. Next, it discusses how the current legal remedies in the ESA and MTPA fall short in their goals to protect the species from extinction. Finally, it proposes improving the ESA with a new part of the statute that is inclusive to climate change and suggests how Florida can strengthen the MTPA by allowing the agencies more power to regulate and mitigate climate change.

I chose this topic because I am from a little beach town in Los Angeles where, from an early age, I was introduced to the wonders of the ocean by my environmentalist mother. I have been very concerned about how climate change is impacting the ocean and marine life that I love and would like to see our legal system adapt to address the new challenges presented by the climate crisis.

Savannah Sherman, president of the FSU Law Chapter of the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF), was recently honored with the Animal Law Student Achievement Award from the Animal Law Section of the Florida Bar. The award is given to one Florida law student each year, and is chosen by the Florida Bar Animal Law Section. The section selected Savannah based on her work as the editor in chief of the Florida Animal Law treatise, her recent bar journal article, he book award in Animal Law Litigation Legislation & Policy, and the accomplishments of SALDF.

Each year, students take advantage of our highly-respected Environmental Externship Program<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/h7pv5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2FXsUpbo$>, which includes many extern opportunities in the fields of environmental, energy, and land use law. For the Summer of 2023, four students were placed in externships with four employers:

  *   City of Tallahassee - Environmental and Land Use - Hunter Hurley
  *   Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services - Anna Ress
  *   Florida Department of Environmental Protection - Ryan Stocks
  *   Green Street Power Partners - Kubra Metin

Student Organization Spotlight

FSU Law's Environmental Law Society's board members are staying busy this summer through opportunities around Florida. ELS President, Melissa Gallo, is a rising 3L externing at 1000 Friends of Florida. There she creates comprehensive reports on evolving environmental law and tracks recent legislation. Vice President, Ryan Stocks, is a rising 3L interning at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's Office of General Counsel. There he aids the attorneys in cases concerning Florida’s environmental priorities. Secretary, Kevin Griffin, is a rising 3L working at the Coast Guard, Staff Judge Advocate's office. There he is working to create an instruction manual on how their attorneys should face oil pollution issues in the seas. Treasurer, Zachary Roper, is a rising 2L interning for Judge Jordan at Florida's Ninth Judicial Circuit and working at Roper & Roper. He has written several memos at both jobs relating to contract law and looks forward to applying these lessons to land-use law in the future.

Alumni Spotlight

Suzanne Van Wyk (Class of ’94), an Administrative Law Judge at Florida's Division of Administrative Hearings, recently created an endowed scholarship at the FSU College of Law. The Van Wyk Scholarship in Administrative Law will be awarded annually, beginning in 2024, to a student interested in administrative law who demonstrates financial need. Judge Van Wyk is a past-President of the FSU College of Law Alumni Association and emeritus member of the Association. She actively mentors 1L students through a partnership between Tallahassee Women Lawyers and the FSU College of Law Women’s Law Symposium and is committed to the success of FSU Law students.

Although I was focused on land use law when I arrived at FSU, the administrative law faculty sealed the deal for me. Professor Seidenfeld’s Federal Administrative Practice class was challenging and exciting and I was hooked! The scholarship was the perfect opportunity to pay it forward!

Allan J. Charles (LL.M. ’22) was recently elected to the Florida Bar Young Lawyers Division Board of Governors and sworn in at the Florida Bar Annual Convention. Allan is a Senior Attorney at the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in Tallahassee. His programs include the Division of Plant Industry, the Division of Animal Industry, the Division of Fruit and Vegetables, and the Office of Agriculture Technology Services. In addition, Allan serves on the Florida Government Bar Association's Executive Board, the Florida Bar Journal and News Editorial Board, is a member of the Florida Bar Government Advocacy Committee and is pursuing a Master of Science in Forest Resources and Conservation from the University of Florida.

Serving on the Florida Bar Young Lawyers Division Board of Governors is both an immense privilege and a resolute commitment to champion the needs of young lawyers and law students. I look forward to serving the Second Circuit.

In the News:

The White House recently released a congressionally mandated report<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/tksv5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO24_EJPi0$> providing a research plan for atmospheric-based approaches to solar radiation modification (SRM). The report marks the first time the administration has recognized the potential need for SRM, a still controversial suite of climate change responses designed to reduce the amount of the sun’s shortwave radiation that reaches the surface of the planet. The report focuses on “atmospheric-based approaches" to SRM, specifically stratospheric aerosol injection and marine cloud brightening. The former involves injecting aerosols, generally sulfur dioxide, into the upper atmosphere to directly reflect sunlight, while the latter involves, generally, seeding clouds with various particles (e.g., sea salt) to increase cloud coverage and make it more reflective. The report does not consider “spaced-based approaches to SRM.”

The report is somber acknowledgment that climate change has already advanced to the point where some form of “geoengineering” like SRM may be needed to avoid the worst impacts of global warming. But, as the IPCC has noted, such measures are themselves likely to “introduce a widespread range of new risks to people and ecosystems, which are not well understood.”<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/9ctv5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2de3YLbs$> Similarly, the White House report notes that SRM “deployment could also carry significant geopolitical risks.” Accordingly, the report highlights<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/p5tv5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2pyDszEk$> the need to consider the “potential risks and benefits to human health and well-being associated with scenarios involving the use of SRM” relative to the “risks and benefits associated with plausible trajectories of ongoing climate change not involving SRM.”

Just as scientists are evaluating the risks of SRM and other forms of geoengineering, the legal community has begun to assess the complicated legal implications of such measures. Questions include whether injections of sulfur dioxide into the upper atmosphere would violate the Clean Air Act<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/5xuv5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2Jpkt7_g$>, and the role international law plays<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/lqvv5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2BqC3-A4$> in such measures<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/1iwv5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2CnKD7m0$>.

Underlying all research into SRM and other forms of geoengineering is the understanding that mitigation and adaptation must stay at the forefront of our response to climate change. Perhaps unsurprisingly, then, the White House has made clear<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/laf8be/xjye5tq/hbxv5i__;!!PhOWcWs!wphqNnPfQq79qxvSV3yEaLRtT6yz4c8IMDQwSvaGQN1YcYMKX4MkCPulIECJnWOOJFsN0WTL2H514GJDcnO2D2M4qyI$> that the “report does not signify any change in policy or activity by the Biden-Harris Administration, which remains focused on reducing emissions, increasing resilience, advancing environmental justice, and achieving true energy security.”

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