[Law-envtlfsufaculty] Spring Events at the FSU Center for Envtl., Energy, & Land Use Law

Erin Ryan ERyan at law.fsu.edu
Fri Jan 6 13:02:12 EST 2023


January 6, 2023
Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to share our line up of lectures and events for the Spring 2023. Each semester, we put together an exciting array of events to enrich the experience of our students, the wider FSU academic community, and the interested public.
We welcome you to join us for one or more of these events!

  *   Erin Ryan, Associate Dean for Environmental Programs

Spring 2023 Lectures and Events

Click event poster to register or email us at jroxas at law.fsu.edu<mailto:jroxas at law.fsu.edu> for more info.


Georgetown Professor William Buzbee will be presenting the Spring 2023 Distinguished Environmental Lecture. He holds the inaugural Edward and Carole Walter Professor chair and serves as the Faculty Director of Georgetown Law’s Environmental Law & Policy Program. The Spring 2023 Distinguished Lecture, sponsored by the Florida Bar - Environmental, Land Use Law Section, is free and open to the public. The lecture will be held at the FSU College of Law Rotunda, on March 1, from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. ET, with a reception to follow. CLE credit will be applied for this lecture.
The Center will also welcome four notable FSU Environmental Law Alumni to inspire and share their professional journeys with our students. The Alumni Career Panel includes Vinette Godelia ('02) of Stearns Weaver Miller, Preston McLane ('09) of Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Bonnie Malloy ('10) of Earthjustice, and Chelsea Cramer ('15) of Alcoa Corporation. The Panel will be hosted by Professor Erin Ryan, Associate Dean for Environmental Programs, and will be held on January 18, from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. ET, at the FSU College of Law Rotunda.



This Spring, we have invited Professor Kathy Hessler, Assistant Dean for Animal Legal Education at George Washington University Law School to give an online lecture on the environmental harms of aquaculture; Professor William Burns of Northwestern University will be joining us in-person to give a lecture on carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation management; and Florida Geologist Guy "Harley" Means will share his wealth of knowledge about Florida's unique hydrogeology. Finally, certificate student Alex Pepper will give a special presentation on the legal and ethical implications of the ownership of captive wildlife, including the participation of live native reptiles!

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Erin Ryan
Elizabeth C. & Clyde W. Atkinson Professor
Associate Dean for Environmental Programs<https://law.fsu.edu/academics/academic-programs/juris-doctor-program/environmental-energy-land-use-law>
Florida State University, College of Law
425 West Jefferson Street / Tallahassee, FL 32306
(850) 645-0072 / eryan at fsu.edu<mailto:eryan at fsu.edu>

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