[Law-envtlfsufaculty] FSU Center for Envtl., Energy, & Land Use Law - Spring 2023 Newsletter

Erin Ryan ERyan at law.fsu.edu
Mon Apr 3 11:27:58 EDT 2023

[Florida State University]
Center for Environmental, Energy,
and Land Use Law

April 03, 2023

Erin Ryan, Associate Dean
for Environmental Programs
Spring in Tallahassee lightens everyone’s mood—with new growth on every tree, a parade of flowers throughout the community, and lengthening days that aren’t yet hot. It’s a good time to think about the human and ecological communities we are part of, and how we keep them vibrant through the work that we do here at the Center. We’re exceedingly proud of that work, and of our forthcoming Environmental Certificate and LL.M graduates—who we know will join the ranks of environmental, energy, and land use law with these goals forefront in mind.

Don Weidner
We are also bidding a fond farewell to a pioneer within our program, Don Weidner, former Dean of the Law School and an honored member of our land use law team. He will begin his hard-earned retirement this summer after spending four decades on the faculty, most of them at the helm as our Dean. His vision over 25 years of leadership was a critical factor in launching the environmental law program here at FSU, and in bringing FSU Law School into our Tier 1 status. Together with the countless alumni he shepherded through these halls, all of us here are grateful for the warmth, wit, and passion that he has shared with us for so long, and we know he will remain a vital part of our community long into the future.  Congratulations, Don! --ER

Faculty Scholarship

Shi-Ling Hsu, D'Alemberte Professor

Climate Insecurity<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/dkp4si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOw3cJC344$>, __ UTAH L. REV. __ (forthcoming 2023).

Whither, Rationality?<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/tcq4si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwG_egWcw$> 120 MICH. L. REV. 1165 (2022).

Adapting to a 4°C World<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/94q4si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwFs3Vxto$>, 52 ENVTL. L. REP. 10211 (2022) (with 17 others).

Carbon Taxation and Economic Inequality<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/pxr4si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOw0N7fCw8$>, 15 HARV. L. & POL'Y REV. 551 (2021).

CAPITALISM AND THE ENVIRONMENT: A PROPOSAL TO SAVE THE PLANET<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/5ps4si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOw_6xtnhg$> (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2021).

Erin Ryan, Elizabeth C. & Clyde W. Atkinson Professor

Privatization, Public Commons, and Takingsification in Environmental Law<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/h3u4si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwgvDAyW0$>, 171 U. PENN. L. REV. __ (forthcoming 2023).

How the Success and Failures of the Clean Water Act Fueled the Rise of the Public Trust Doctrine and Rights of Nature Movement, 73 CASE WESTERN RES. L. REV. __ (2023) (invited).
The Public Trust Doctrine, Property, and Society<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/xvv4si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwK5lSsLg$>, in PROPERTY, LAW, AND SOCIETY (Nicole Graham, et al., eds., 2022).

Environmental Rights for the 21st Century: Comprehensive Analysis of the Public Trust Doctrine and the Rights of Nature Movement<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/dow4si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwmutqRf4$>, 43 CARDOZO L. REV. 2447 (2021) (with Holly Parker Curry & Hayes Rule).

The Twin Environmental Law Problems of Preemption and Political Scale<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/tgx4si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwmGAbG_s$>, in ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, DISRUPTED (Keith Hirokawa & Jessica Owley, eds., 2021).

Mark Seidenfeld, Patricia A. Dore Professor of Administrative Law

2022 Allen L. Poucher Lecture: The Implications of West Virginia v. EPA on the Administrative State, 74 FLA. L. REV. FOR. (forthcoming 2023) (with Jessica Owley and Nathan Richardson).

The Limits of Deliberation about the Public’s Values: Reviewing BLAKE EMERSON, THE PUBLIC'S LAW: ORIGINS AND ARCHITECTURE OF PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRACY<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/p1y4si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwSEOMCAQ$>, 199 MICH. L. REV. 1111 (2021) (Book Review).

Textualism’s Theoretical Bankruptcy and Its Implications for Statutory Interpretation<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/5tz4si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwlzsYPnI$>, 100 B.U. L. REV. 1817 (2020).

The Bounds of Congress’s Spending Power<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/lm04si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwMTK8fkQ$>, 61 ARIZ. L. REV. 1 (2019).

The Problem with Agency Guidance - or Not<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/1e14si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwT5fM2tk$>, 36 YALE J. ON REG.: NOTICE & COMMENT (2019).

Donald J. Weidner, Dean Emeritus and Alumni Centennial Professor
The Unfortunate Role of Special Litigation Committees in LLC<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/ds34si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwbLLTamc$>, (forthcoming BUS. LAWYER, 2022).

LLC Default Rules Are Hazardous to Member Liquidity<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/tk44si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwxHMbzzc$>, 76 BUS LAWYER 151 (2020).

Dissatisfied Members in Florida LLCs:  Remedies<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/9c54si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwmapXuzY$>, 18 FLA. ST. U. BUS. REV. 1 (2019).

New FASB Rules on Accounting for Leases:  A Sarbanes-Oxley Promise Delivered<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/p554si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwd6z9Wrc$>, 72 BUS. LAWYER 367 (2017).

Leaving Law Firms with Client Fees: Florida's Path<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/5x64si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwZIR52jg$>, 91-0 FLA. B. J. 9 (2017).

Tisha Holmes, Courtesy Professor of Law

Assessment of an Evacuation Shelter Program for People with Access and Functional Needs in Monroe County, Florida During Hurricane Irma<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/1i84si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwLfl8_Ag$>, VOL 306, SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE (2022) (with Patrice Williams, Sandy Wong, Kathryn Smith, John Bandzuh & Christopher Uejio).

Locating Neighborhood Displacement Risks to Climate Gentrification Pressures in Three Coastal Counties in Florida, PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER, (forthcoming 2022) (with B. Melix, C. Uejio, A. Jackson, & W. Butler).

What's the Problem with Disaster? Anthropology, Social Work and the Qualitative Slot<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/hb94si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOw3Bu0RuM$>, QUALITATIVE SOCIAL WORK, 20, 1496-1516 (2021) (with J. Mathias, T. McCreary, & J. Elsner).

Implementing a Mandate to Plan for Sea Level Rise: Top-down, Bottom-up and Middle Out Actions in the Tampa Bay Region<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/x394si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwL3TtoYI$>, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT (2021) (with W. Butler).

Mandated Planning for Climate Change: Responsible to the Peril of Flood Act for Sea Level Rise Adaptation in Florida<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/dwa5si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwulJ2aTM$>, JOURNAL OF AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION (2021) (with W. Butler & Z. Lange).

State Law Climate Suits to Continue in State Courts

James Parker-Flynn
Director, FSU Center for Envtl., Energy, and Land Use Law
jparkerflynn at law.fsu.edu<mailto:jparkerflynn at law.fsu.edu>
In 2011, the Supreme Court held in American Electric Power v. Connecticut that the Clean Air Act (CAA) and the EPA action it authorized “displace any federal common law right to seek abatement of carbon-dioxide emissions from fossil-fuel fired power plants.” The Court did not decide whether the plaintiffs’ state law claims were also preempted, as that issue had not been briefed before the Court.
With their federal common law nuisance claims displaced, plaintiffs around the country unsurprisingly began suing energy companies in state courts under a variety of state law theories. Just as unsurprisingly, perhaps, defendants sought removal of those cases, seeking the ostensibly friendlier confines of federal courts in which to argue that plaintiffs’ state law claims were displaced or preempted by federal law. A sound plan except for one small catch: defendants cannot argue their federal preemption defenses in federal courts if there is no basis for removal to those courts in the first instance.
Enter the First, Third, Fourth, Ninth, and Tenth Circuit Courts of Appeals, which over the past couple of years have all rejected defendants’ attempts to remove plaintiffs’ state law climate claims into federal courts. In its recent decision, Minnesota v. American Petroleum Institute, the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals now has joined its sister Circuits. Minnesota sued several energy companies in state court for common law fraud and violations of Minnesota’s consumer protection statutes, alleging that the energy companies “have known for decades that the production and use of fossil fuels damages the environment” and that instead of “owning up to these harmful effects” the companies “engaged in a misinformation campaign to deceive consumers and suppress the truth about climate change.”  Defendants removed the case to a federal district court, which subsequently granted Minnesota’s motion to remand.
In affirming the district court’s decision that there was no federal court jurisdiction, the Eighth Circuit held that Minnesota’s “claims are not removable under the general removal statute, the federal officer removal statute, the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, or the Class Action Fairness Act.” Notably, the Eighth Circuit concluded, like its Sister Circuits, that the federal common law on transboundary pollution does not “completely preempt” Minnesota’s state law claims such as to render the case removable.
No Circuit Court has reached a contrary conclusion. For now, then, state law climate claims filed in state courts will continue to proceed in state courts, even though it creates the seemingly incongruous situation described by the concurrence in Minnesota – federal courts prevented from adjudicating cases in which plaintiffs “seek[] a global remedy for a global issue” and defendants rely on federal preemption defenses.

Spring 2023 Distinguished Lecture


Watch Recording Here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/tob5si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwzlXi7fQ$>

Each semester, the Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law brings the nation's foremost scholars in environment, energy, and land use law to the campus of Florida State University.
Georgetown Professor William Buzbee presented the Spring 2023 Distinguished Environmental Lecture, entitled "Fears, Faith, and Facts in Environmental Law." In his lecture, Professor Buzbee identified the kinds of fear and faith that catalyze environmental regulatory action, as well as the disparate fears and faith that foment legal constraints to check regulatory abuses. Considering the volatility of environmental law’s most pressing challenges—including climate change, political vacillations, and changing dynamics on the U.S. Supreme Court—Professor Buzbee discussed how greater attention to the documentation of statutorily significant facts and science can help surmount the growing conflicts between the different sources of fear and faith.
Professor Buzbee holds the inaugural Edward and Carole Walter Professor chair and serves as the Faculty Director of Georgetown Law’s Environmental Law & Policy Program.

Student Achievements


Graduating FSU Law student Caroline Dike received a full-tuition scholarship to attend to the American Law Institute CLE on Environmental Law on February 16-17 in Arlington, VA. The conference helps lawyers understand the current state of environmental law, and network with practice area experts from across the country.
 Over the course of two days, I viewed panels of attorneys representing a wide variety of private and public entities in the field who discussed prominent issues. From an overview of CERCLA litigation, analysis of recent U.S. Supreme Court cases, consideration of emerging contaminants and toxic torts, to energy law developments—this conference addressed an assortment of environmental law challenges and actions occurring across the country. The conference was a great learning and networking experience, as attorneys, EPA administrators, reporters, consultants, and many others attended to update themselves on important legal issues in the field. I am honored to have been chosen as a scholarship recipient to attend, and I am looking forward to graduating into the practice of environmental and energy law! --Caroline Dike

We are very excited to share that the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF) at FSU Law is assisting the Florida Bar Animal Law Section with editing the Florida Bar Animal Law Treatise. This is the first Florida-specific treatise on animal law, and will be available to the 500 members of the Animal Law Section, law schools, and others. The Executive Editors of the Treatise are Ralph A. DeMeo ('84) and Macie Codina ('22), both attorneys at Guilday Law in Tallahassee, Gregg R. Morton, General Counsel of Florida PERC, and Michelle Ballard, Florida PERC Hearing Officer, all of whom are also members of The Animal Law Section Executive Council.
The following FSU Law students are serving as Treatise Editors: Savannah Sherman, Alan Gonzalez, Darya Momeni, Sophia Akel, Jennifer Camisa, Shawn Soscia, Angelique Howard, Shannon Kelley, Baleigh Brown, James King.
FSU Law Professor and SALDF Advisor Patricia Matthews also serve as Treatise Editor, and lead the work of FSU law students.
There are over 24 articles on a variety of animal law topics, including domestic animals, wildlife, and other important topics. More articles will be added.

Each year, students take advantage of our highly-respected Environmental Externship Program<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/9gc5si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOw08YB0KE$>, which includes many extern opportunities in the fields of environmental, energy, and land use law. For the Spring of 2023, seven students joined the environmental externship program with six agencies:

  *   City of Tallahassee - Environmental and Land Use - Neal Mars
  *   Division of Administrative Hearings - Environment - Matthew Taylor
  *   Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services - Brian Maki
  *   Florida Department of Environmental Protection - Kevin Griffin and Melissa Gallo
  *   Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission - Ashley Landwerlen
  *   Pets ad Litem - Savannah Sherman

The Environmental Law Societ<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/p9c5si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwJP5jTcI$>y<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/51d5si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwg0Aw71w$> is a place for anyone interested in environmental law or the environment generally. Many of our board members have worked in the environmental field in some capacity and love to help other students find opportunities and ways to get involved. ELS helps promote events hosted by FSU's nationally ranked environmental certificate program, as well as hosts events of their own. This year, ELS has hosted a picnic at the Rez, a volunteer event supporting the Keep Tallahassee Beautiful organization, and is planning a camping trip for April. The Environmental Law Society aims to benefit the environment and students’ experiences at FSU Law.

ELS volunteering at the Jake Gaither Neighborhood
ELS at the SBA Fund Run,
raising money for the Marathon Turtle Hospital

Tomorrow! Special Presentation


Tomorrow, April 4, please join the FSU Center for Environmental, Energy, and Land Use Law for a special presentation by Alex Pepper, an FSU Environmental Law Certificate student and the president and founder of AHP Reptiles and Photography, LLC. Alex will discuss the legal and ethical ownership of captive wildlife and their importance to conservation, and he will be joined by live snakes! The presentation will take place from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. in Room 208 in the College of Law’s Main Classroom Building.
The program is open to the public and all are welcome, so we hope to see many of you there! Please RSVP<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/1mf5si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwgB5I618$> here so we can prepare enough food for everyone.
Also: Students are encouraged to come earlier at 3:00 p.m. to join current members of the Journal for Land Use and Environmental Law for cookies, coffee, and conversation to learn about opportunities to join the Journal.

Recent Program Events


Watch Here

The Center hosted the inaugural Career Panel, "Notes on What Comes Next: After Graduating from the FSU Environmental Law Program" on January 18. FSU Law Alumni Amelia Savage ('06) of Stearns Weaver Miller, Preston McLane ('09) of Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Bonnie Mallory ('10) of Earthjustice, and Chelsea Cramer ('15) of Alcoa Corporation, all shared their professional experiences practicing environmental, land use, and natural resources law, and gave insights from their careers in public service, private practice, NGOs, and the regulated community.


Watch Here

Professor Kathy Hessler, Assistant Dean for Animal Legal Education at George Washington University Law School, gave an online lecture via Zoom on February 08. In her lecture titled "Environmental Harms of Aquaculture," Professor Hessler gave an inside look at the world of aquaculture and addressed its impacts on the environment.


Watch Here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/hfg5si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOw4PfkwVY$>

The Center also hosted Guy “Harley” Means, the State Geologist, and Director of the Florida  Geological Survey on March 08. Harley spoke to a packed audience about  Florida’s landscape, water resource sustainability, and the ongoing natural history that shapes Florida.


Watch Here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/x7g5si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOw6Sui3EM$>

Professor William Burns of the Northwestern University gave an enrichment lecture titled, "Marine-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal Options and International/Domestic Law" on March 22. Professor Burns is the founding co-director of the Institute for Carbon Removal Law and Policy at the American University and is currently a visiting professor at Northwestern's Program in Environmental Policy and Culture, where he also teaches in the Energy and Sustainability Program.

Educational Tour: Journey of the Water


FSU Law Professor Shi-Ling Hsu organized an educational tour for his classes, Coastal and Ocean Law<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/d0h5si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwIKVGkSM$>, and Climate Change Science, Policy, Law, and Economics<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/tsi5si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwO_KDb-c$> on January 21. The objective of the tour was to provide students with a sense of the interconnected nature of pollution on land and water quality. By following the journey of water from Cascades Park to the Wakulla Springs, students were able to appreciate the multiple points at which pollution and improper disposal creates a water pollution problem. Wakulla Springs Alliance Founding Member Jim Stevenson joined and spoke to the students as the group literally followed the water from inland to Wakulla Springs. The group stopped at several entry points and sinkholes (swallette) along the way.

ABOUT US<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/hjn5si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwlPosUbM$> | ACADEMICS<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/xbo5si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwAvga800$> | ADMISSIONS & FINANCIAL AID<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/d4o5si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwAVo17Zo$> | OUR FACULTY<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/twp5si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwL205iDY$> | ALUMNI<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/9oq5si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwOw7qS1A$> | CAREERS<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/phr5si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwRq36GhE$> | STUDENTS<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/tkw25d/90z4j7lb/59r5si__;!!PhOWcWs!zjDuoiQ3tqVHaN2Bb2Yfk9S-iQPO4N3UGIIGlVMfOJ9y9of6L_wsH-BlR0QC3960suFRzBOwPy5czak$>

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