[Law-envtlfsufaculty] Wed. 10/26: Hsu, Rose, & Livermore on Capitalism and the Environment

Erin Ryan ERyan at law.fsu.edu
Fri Oct 14 11:13:02 EDT 2022


Capitalism and the Environment
A Book Forum
Wednesday | October 26 | 3:30 p.m. ET
Florida State University College of Law - Rotunda

"Humankind must harness capitalism, not quash it,
if it wants to save itself from ecological catastrophe."


FSU D'Alemberte Professor Shi-Ling Hsu recently published his new book, CAPITALISM AND THE ENVIRONMENT: A PROPOSAL TO SAVE THE PLANET<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/plm0od/dkt3efj/phjv3h__;!!PhOWcWs!yaVLJ_KeUymSc5Vwr4GUX05TQPb7J-WOs4PI9FOnBwfjuIFoOX4cEDdkSJPdVCXQ1d0CCMez64rg4X1xQg$> with Cambridge University Press. In it, he argues that capitalism is a form of economic governance, steered by political choices, and that rescuing the Earth from human-caused pollution and climate change requires harnessing the power of capitalism--not rejecting it, and not idolizing it.


Listen to Professor Hsu's interview in Marketplace<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/plm0od/dkt3efj/l2kv3h__;!!PhOWcWs!yaVLJ_KeUymSc5Vwr4GUX05TQPb7J-WOs4PI9FOnBwfjuIFoOX4cEDdkSJPdVCXQ1d0CCMez64oQr0hOvA$> with Kimberly Adams and Kai Ryssdal on how economic (dis)incentives are the way to mitigate climate change.

Please join us for a lively discussion and debate about whether embracing the tools of capitalism can reverse the impacts of climate change. Professor Hsu will be joined in this discussion by Carol Rose, the Gordon Bradford Tweedy Professor Emeritus of Law and Organization at Yale Law School, and Michael Livermore, Professor of Law and Director of the Program in Law, Communities and the Environment (PLACE) at the University of Virginia School of Law.
"Professor Shi-Ling Hsu, a prolific and highly influential environmental law scholar, has produced an important book on how to address environmental crises. The public policy community will need to take seriously his argument that a market-based economy has appropriate tools to confront these serious problems. Professor’s Hsu clear and dispassionate analysis should also help bridge some gaps in our divided polity."

--Richard Revesz, AnBryce Professor of Law and Dean Emeritus,
NYU School of Law, & Nominee for Administrator of Office of Management and Budget Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
Join and get a chance to win a free copy of Capitalism and the Environment: A Proposal to Save the Planet. Sponsored by the Florida Bar - Environmental, Land Use Law Section, this forum is free and open to the public. One CLE credit is approved by the Florida Bar for this event.


ABOUT US<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/plm0od/dkt3efj/xfnv3h__;!!PhOWcWs!yaVLJ_KeUymSc5Vwr4GUX05TQPb7J-WOs4PI9FOnBwfjuIFoOX4cEDdkSJPdVCXQ1d0CCMez64rmaFxq3A$> | ACADEMICS<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/plm0od/dkt3efj/d8nv3h__;!!PhOWcWs!yaVLJ_KeUymSc5Vwr4GUX05TQPb7J-WOs4PI9FOnBwfjuIFoOX4cEDdkSJPdVCXQ1d0CCMez64p3ReRFfA$> | ADMISSIONS & FINANCIAL AID<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/plm0od/dkt3efj/t0ov3h__;!!PhOWcWs!yaVLJ_KeUymSc5Vwr4GUX05TQPb7J-WOs4PI9FOnBwfjuIFoOX4cEDdkSJPdVCXQ1d0CCMez64qZyemNpA$> | OUR FACULTY<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/plm0od/dkt3efj/9spv3h__;!!PhOWcWs!yaVLJ_KeUymSc5Vwr4GUX05TQPb7J-WOs4PI9FOnBwfjuIFoOX4cEDdkSJPdVCXQ1d0CCMez64qVk_N85g$> | ALUMNI<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/plm0od/dkt3efj/plqv3h__;!!PhOWcWs!yaVLJ_KeUymSc5Vwr4GUX05TQPb7J-WOs4PI9FOnBwfjuIFoOX4cEDdkSJPdVCXQ1d0CCMez64oTrehkWg$> | CAREERS<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/plm0od/dkt3efj/5drv3h__;!!PhOWcWs!yaVLJ_KeUymSc5Vwr4GUX05TQPb7J-WOs4PI9FOnBwfjuIFoOX4cEDdkSJPdVCXQ1d0CCMez64ocTOkpgw$> | STUDENTS<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/plm0od/dkt3efj/l6rv3h__;!!PhOWcWs!yaVLJ_KeUymSc5Vwr4GUX05TQPb7J-WOs4PI9FOnBwfjuIFoOX4cEDdkSJPdVCXQ1d0CCMez64pxMLXDGw$>

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