[Law-envtlfsufaculty] FSU Program on Envtl., Energy, & Land Use Law - Fall 2022 Newsletter

Erin Ryan ERyan at law.fsu.edu
Wed Oct 5 10:08:50 EDT 2022

[Florida State University]
Center for Environmental, Energy,
and Land Use Law

October 5, 2022

Erin Ryan, Associate Dean
for Environmental Programs
Here on the Gulf Coast, we rang in the fall semester with a visit from Hurricane Ian, one of the strongest storms ever to make landfall in the United States. Tallahassee was fortunate to be missed entirely by the storm, but our hearts go to out to friends and neighbors along the path of destruction that Ian carved across our state. If anything, an emergency like Ian reminds us of the important roles that environmental, energy, and land use lawyers all have to play in helping us mitigate and forestall future natural disasters of this magnitude—and where we cannot avoid them, to design our communities for adaptation and resilience.

In happier news, I am delighted to welcome our new faculty member, James Parker-Flynn, who will shepherd the Center for Environmental, Energy, and Land Use Law as its next Director. In addition to teaching Energy Law, Land Use, and Environmental Justice this year, he is hard at work creating an Environmental Policy Clinic to expand opportunities for students and faculty to contribute to the discourse on environmental solutions. James comes to us from a career in environmental and energy law practice, with a focus on climate change. He earned an LL.M. in Environmental Law from FSU after receiving his J.D. from Georgia State University. Please join me in welcoming him, and look for his regular environmental policy column in this newsletter, starting below with a brief assessment of the Inflation Reduction Act. -ER

Professor James Parker-Flynn
“I could not be more excited to join the incredible faculty in the Center for Environmental, Energy, and Land Use Law, and to work alongside them to continue and expand on the center’s mission. I am equally thrilled to work with FSU Law’s remarkable students, and to help prepare them for the challenges faced by attorneys and policymakers in the areas of environmental, land use, energy, and natural resources law—challenges that become more critical every day.”

Fall 2022 Distinguished Lecture

Join us on October 12, Wednesday as Elizabeth Kronk Warner, Professor of Law and Dean of S.J. Quinny College of Law at the University of Utah, presents the Fall 2022 Distinguished Environmental Lecture. A nationally recognized expert in the intersection of Environmental and Indian Law, Dean Kronk Warner is a citizen of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, and served as an appellate judge for the tribe and as a district judge for the Prairie Band Potawatomi Tribe.


Dean Kronk Warner's lecture, entitled "Effective Consultation in Indian Country" will  introduce federal Indian law, highlight consultation requirements, and demonstrate that the existing legal structure provides inadequate guidance on effective consultation, concluding with suggestions for potential reform.

The Fall 2022 Distinguished Lecture, sponsored by the Florida Bar - Environmental, Land Use Law Section, is free and open to the public. The lecture will be held at the FSU College of Law Rotunda, from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. ET, with a reception to follow. We request that those joining in person, kindly RSVP now<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/9g8t1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DA2I-mxQA$>. A livestream link for remote participants is available below.

One general CLE credit has been approved by the Florida Bar for this lecture, including State and Federal Government and Administrative Practice certification credit.


Student Spotlight


Catherine Awasthi, of Jupiter, Florida is expected to graduate in December 2022. She is currently externing for Judge Scott Makar at the First District Court of Appeal and serving as a research assistant for Professor Erin Ryan<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/519t1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DCGsa2p-w$>.

Catherine was one of 37 students in North America awarded the Foundation for Natural Resources and Energy Law Scholarship Award<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/luau1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DAi59CSOQ$> for 2022. She was also awarded the 2021 Law School Achievement Award by the Florida Bar Animal Law section. As President of the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund, she helped to earn national recognition as Chapter of the Year for FSU Law in 2021. Catherine has published two animal law articles in the Florida Bar Journal and a forthcoming publication at the Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/1mbu1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DCQ2iNUZA$> She is also graduating with a joint-pathway Master’s Degree in Aquatic Environmental Science.

After taking the bar, Catherine plans to remain in Florida, pursuing a career in environmental, coastal and ocean, or administrative law.

"In the Summers of 2020 and 2022, I had the opportunity to work for a public interest nonprofit with a mission to protect Florida’s public trust resources. There I gained  valuable experience in the complexity of the Clean Water Act, as well as research and analyze rules and regulations pertaining to septic and agricultural pollution. In my role as a legal intern for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, I provided an in-depth analysis of the constitutionality of broadening marine sanctuary statutes and coral reef conservation statutory reauthorization.

As Vice President and a member of the Moot Court Team, I advocated in an international space law competition where I earned the title of a semifinalist. My time on the Moot Court team provided me with research, writing, and oral advocacy skills that helped me to publish articles on environmental topics I am passionate about. Additionally, I am grateful for the unique joint-pathway degree program, as it has so far opened doors for a career path that encompasses both law and science in the environmental field and has set me apart as a job candidate.”

(L-R) Savannah Sherman, SALDF President, Diana Olsen (recent graduate and 3rd place winner), Catherine Awasthi (1st place), and FSU Professor Tricia Matthews

In August, Catherine's article, "Staving off Starvation: How Florida's Invasive Plants Could Sustain the State's Marine Mammal," won first place in the Tenth Annual Animal Law Writing Competition. The competition was sponsored by the Florida Bar Animal Law Section, Pets Ad Litem, and the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF) chapter at FSU Law. The competition seeks to foster legal scholarship and provide law students with an incentive and opportunity to research and learn more about the intersections of animals and the law.

Spring 2022 graduates Catherine Bauman and Diana Olsen bagged second and third place respectively. Congratulations!!

Alumni News


Land use and local government attorney Mark Barnebey ('83) received the Best Lawyers in America 2023 "Lawyer of the Year" award in Land Use and Zoning Law in the Sarasota metro area. Mark has been practicing in land use and local government for 35 years and is Board Certified in City, County, and Local Government Law. Mark currently leads Blalock Walters, P.A. land use and local government practice groups. He serves the Manatee/Sarasota area.


Crystal Anderson ('10) has joined the Department of Environmental Protection Office of General Counsel as Assistant General Counsel. She provides legal advice to staff in the Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection, mostly related to permitting, contract administration, legislative proposals, and agency rulemaking. Her practice focuses on matters associated with coastal development, aquatic preserves, coral protection and restoration, and the beaches, inlets, and ports program.


Holly Parker Curry ('21) has joined Theriaque & Spain as an Associate Attorney in Tallahassee, FL. She will practice land use, zoning, local government, and environmental law. Prior to joining Theriaque & Spain, Holly served as a law clerk for the Honorable Robert L. Hinkle in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida.

Faculty Scholarship

Shi-Ling Hsu, D’Alemberte Professor

Whither, Rationality?<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/x7cu1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DCC5BmGpA$> 120 MICH. L. REV. 1165 (2022).

Adapting to a 4°C World<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/d0du1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DDQKeJTMA$>, 52 ENVTL. L. REP. 10211 (2022) (with 17 others).

Climate Insecurity<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/tseu1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DCREkD4Rg$>, __ UTAH L. REV. __ (forthcoming 2023).

Carbon Taxation and Economic Inequality<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/9kfu1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DDYDVU8Tw$>, 15 HARV. L. & POL'Y REV. 551 (2021).

CAPITALISM AND THE ENVIRONMENT: A PROPOSAL TO SAVE THE PLANET<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/pdgu1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DBx6YxdyQ$> (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2021).

Erin Ryan, Elizabeth C. & Clyde W. Atkinson Professor

Privatization, Public Commons, and Takingsification in Environmental Law<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/1qiu1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DCfHZizhw$>, 171 U. PENN. L. REV. __ (forthcoming 2023).

How the Success and Failures of the Clean Water Act Fueled the Rise of the Public Trust Doctrine and Rights of Nature Movement, 73 CASE WESTERN RES. L. REV. __ (2022) (invited).

Environmental Rights for the 21st Century: Comprehensive Analysis of the Public Trust Doctrine and the Rights of Nature Movement<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/hjju1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DAt9qNoqA$>, 43 CARDOZO L. REV. 2447 (2021) (with Holly Parker Curry & Hayes Rule).

The Twin Environmental Law Problems of Preemption and Political Scale<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/xbku1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DDzYXWXVA$>, in ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, DISRUPTED (Keith Hirokawa & Jessica Owley, eds., 2021).

A Short History of the Public Trust Doctrine and its Intersection with Private <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/d4ku1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DDAOfJXjA$> Water Law<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/twlu1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DC6bE2IuA$>, 39 VIRGINIA ENVTL. L.J. 135 (2020).

Mark Seidenfeld, Patricia A. Dore Professor of Administrative Law

The Limits of Deliberation about the Public’s Values: Reviewing BLAKE EMERSON, THE PUBLIC'S LAW: ORIGINS AND ARCHITECTURE OF PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRACY<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/phnu1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DDc5Jlj4Q$>, 199 MICH. L. REV. 1111 (2021) (Book Review).

Textualism’s Theoretical Bankruptcy and Its Implications for Statutory Interpretation<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/59nu1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DAvWBFkcA$>, 100 B.U. L. REV. 1817 (2020).

The Bounds of Congress’s Spending Power<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/l2ou1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DBPLCEQ3g$>, 61 ARIZ. L. REV. 1 (2019).

The Problem with Agency Guidance - or Not<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/1upu1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DCFdsBrBQ$>, 36 YALE J. ON REG.: NOTICE & COMMENT (2019).

A Process Based Approach to Presidential Exit<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/hnqu1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DBAaZIstA$>, 67 DUKE L.J. 1775 (2018) (invited comment for symposium on “Regulatory Exit”).

Donald J. Weidner, Dean Emeritus and Alumni Centennial Professor
The Unfortunate Role of Special Litigation Committees in LLC<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/d8ru1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DBDcFawwQ$>, (forthcoming BUS. LAWYER, 2022).

LLC Default Rules Are Hazardous to Member Liquidity<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/t0su1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DBd8oUiHA$>, 76 BUS LAWYER 151 (2020).

Dissatisfied Members in Florida LLCs:  Remedies<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/9stu1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DBLI-1dQg$>, 18 FLA. ST. U. BUS. REV. 1 (2019).

New FASB Rules on Accounting for Leases:  A Sarbanes-Oxley Promise Delivered<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/pluu1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DDFp3Lmbg$>, 72 BUS. LAWYER 367 (2017).

Leaving Law Firms with Client Fees: Florida's Path<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/5dvu1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DCxV6sWhA$>, 91-0 FLA. B. J. 9 (2017).

Tisha Homes, Courtesy Professor of Law

Assessment of an Evacuation Shelter Program for People with Access and Functional Needs in Monroe County, Florida During Hurricane Irma<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/1ywu1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DARvUqZzA$>, VOL 306, SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE (2022) (with Patrice Williams, Sandy Wong, Kathryn Smith, John Bandzuh & Christopher Uejio).

Locating Neighborhood Displacement Risks to Climate Gentrification Pressures in Three Coastal Counties in Florida, PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER, (forthcoming 2022) (with B. Melix, C. Uejio, A. Jackson, & W. Butler).

What's Problem with Disaster? Anthropology, Social Work and the Qualitative Slot<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/hrxu1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DDhQjH95w$>, QUALITATIVE SOCIAL WORK, 20, 1496-1516 (2021) (with J. Mathias, T. McCreary, & J. Elsner).

Implementing a Mandate to Plan for Sea Level Rise: Top-down, Bottom-up and Middle Out Actions in the Tampa Bay Region<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/xjyu1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DBGR8kWiw$>, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT (2021) (with W. Butler).

Mandated Planning for Climate Change: Responsible to the Peril of Flood Act for Sea Level Rise Adaptation in Florida<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/dczu1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DBkq2wdYw$>, JOURNAL OF AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION (2021) (with W. Butler & Z. Lange).

IRA Will Spur Significant New Energy Projects

James Parker-Flynn
Director, FSU Center for Envtl., Energy, and Land Use Law
jparkerflynn at law.fsu.edu<mailto:jparkerflynn at law.fsu.edu>

This summer, Congress passed, and President Biden signed into law, the Inflation Reduction Act (“IRA”)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/t4zu1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DASNS-5uQ$>. Among other things, the IRA contains numerous provisions:
·        Renewing old or implementing new tax credits for renewable and “clean” energy projects,
·        providing funding for loans or grants for renewable energy projects and electric transmission facilities, and
·        opening certain offshore lands for new wind power projects.
The IRA also has several sections:
·        tying wind and solar development to new oil and gas development on federal lands, and
·        requiring the Department of Interior to reinstate certain offshore oil and gas leases that previously had been canceled or nullified.
Not surprisingly, given the conflicting provisions, perspectives on the IRA vary. Because of the significant new investments in renewable and “clean” energy development and the transmission grid, some groups view the IRA as a monumental advancement in the United States’ efforts to combat climate change and transition to a clean energy future<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/9w0u1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DAbW5OGyg$>, notwithstanding the oil and gas provisions. Some others view it as a piecemeal and inadequate response to the greatest environmental challenge of our times, one that unnecessarily ensures further fossil fuel development at a critical climate juncture<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/pp1u1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DD1TDAo3g$>. Still others in the fossil fuel industry feel that the “considerable tax increases and new government spending in the IRA amount to the wrong policies at the wrong time<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/5h2u1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DDYiG-lJQ$>.”

Whatever perspective one may have on the IRA, one thing is clear: the act will lead to significant new energy developments in this country and spirited debate in the legal community about the act’s long-term implications.

Upcoming Events


The Center will be hosting a forum discussing FSU Law Professor Shi-Ling Hsu's latest book, Capitalism and the Environment: A Proposal to Save the Planet. Guest discussants include Carol Rose, the Gordon Bradford Tweedy Professor Emeritus of Law and Organization at Yale Law School, and Michael Livermore, the Professor of Law and Director of the Program in Law, Communities and the Environment (PLACE) at the University of Virginia School of Law. The book forum is scheduled on October 26, 2022, at the FSU Collge of Law Rotunda from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Register now<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/hv4u1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DBeAzTheg$> to join the discussion.
On November 2nd, we will be hosting Abena Ojetayo to discuss efforts of our home city, Tallahassee, to pursue clean energy alternatives and foster community resilience. Abena is the Assistant City Manager for the City of Tallahassee and was the first Chief Resilience Officer for the City. Register now<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/ppt4nd/dkt3efj/xn5u1h__;!!PhOWcWs!2GubWchonD1BbmA5pd9KpLiYg08cp4bQ8ZebFHiZa1CfcEr5AFbDSmA6veF9ZnMmsdVRxbkQ7DA85VWz3A$> and learn more about Florida's capital city.

Recent Program Events


Every year, the FSU Law Externship Office hosts an Externship Luncheon for students interested in externship and volunteer opportunities in environmental, energy, and land use law. Students had the opportunity to speak with representatives and attorneys from non-government organizations and several local and state agencies and understand their offices and program offerings.

This year's luncheon was held on September 16, 2022, at the FSU Law Rotunda.  Individuals who participated, and their organizations, include Lou Norvell, Senior Assistant City Attorney, City of Tallahassee; Matthew Knoll, Assistant Deputy General Counsel, Florida Department of Environmental Protection; Judge Francine Ffolkes, Division of Administrative Hearings; Keith Hetrick, Senior Attorney, Florida Public Service Commission - Office of the General Counsel; Allan Charles, Senior Attorney, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; Quilla Miralia, Intern/Extern Coordinator, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; LaShawn Riggans, Deputy County Attorney, Leon County; Janet Bowman, Senior Policy Advisor, The Nature Conservancy; and Jordan Luebkemann, Senior Associate Attorney, Earthjustice.


An Introductory Session was held on September 2, 2022, to welcome students and give information on the processes of earning the Environmental Law Certificate, share opportunities after graduation, and the Center's activities and programs for this academic year. Center Director James Parker-Flynn shared his experience practicing law with Carlton Fields, where he specialized in appellate practice, land use litigation, and environmental law, assisting clients with a wide array of regulatory and litigation issues. FSU Law Alum and Adjunct Professor Preston McLane shared his work as Program Administrator of the Air Resource Management Division of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Other members of the Environmental Law faculty were also present, including Professor Tricia Matthews, Professor Mark Seidenfeld, and Professor Shi-Ling Hsu. The session was hosted by Professor Erin Ryan, the Associate Dean for Environmental Programs.

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