[Law-envtlcert] Summer and Fall internship/job opportunities

James Parker-Flynn jparkerflynn at law.fsu.edu
Fri Feb 9 10:15:09 EST 2024

Hello Environmental Law Students,

Please see below for some exciting opportunities to work/internship opportunities in the environmental/energy/land use law fields.

  *   The Department of Energy is seeking applications for its Fall 2024 Honors Attorney Program in its Office of General Counsel. This paid opportunity applies to 3Ls, Recent Grads (w/in 1 year of graduation); JLCs, Fellows & LLMs. The deadline for submitting an application is Feb. 26, 2024. For more information, see USAJOBS - Job Announcement<https://www.usajobs.gov/job/774392200>.
  *   The Environmental Protection Agency's Legal Internship Program Office of Regional Counsel in Region 2 (New York) is hiring both paid and unpaid positions. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, beginning in Mid-February. For more information, see Legal Internships in EPA's New York City Office (Region 2) | US EPA<https://www.epa.gov/careers/legal-internships-epas-new-york-city-office-region-2>
  *   The Department of Energy Office of General Counsel is seeking applicants for its Law Student Intern Program for both the Summer and the Fall. For more information, see General Counsel Law Student Intern Program | Department of Energy<https://www.energy.gov/gc/general-counsel-law-student-intern-program>. The deadline for the Summer program is February 15.
  *   The Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School is seeking applicants for its Summer Internship. The deadline for applying is February 16. For more information, see Jobs and Internships at the Sabin Center | Sabin Center for Climate Change Law (columbia.edu)<https://climate.law.columbia.edu/content/jobs-internships-sabin-center>

Good luck!

James Parker-Flynn
Director of the Center for Environmental, Energy, and Land Use Law
Florida State University College of Law

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