[Law-envtlcert] Call for Student Papers

James Parker-Flynn jparkerflynn at law.fsu.edu
Tue Mar 14 10:30:45 EDT 2023

Hello Certificate students,

The Sea Grant Law and Policy Journal at the University of Mississippi School of Law is seeking submissions from law students for papers addressing coastal, ocean, and Great Lakes law and policy issues. If you have written or are writing a paper in this area, I encourage you to submit.

Submissions must be received by 5 p.m. Central Time on Friday, April 28, 2023. Students who are completing papers during the Spring 2023 semester who are concerned about meeting the submission deadline should reach out to Cathy Janasie at the Journal to discuss your paper - cjanasie at olemiss.edu<mailto:cjanasie at olemiss.edu>

More information can be found on the attached flyer or at this link: https://nsglc.olemiss.edu/sglpj/files/nsglc-2023-call-for-student-papers.pdf<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/nsglc.olemiss.edu/sglpj/files/nsglc-2023-call-for-student-papers.pdf__;!!PhOWcWs!0tMWPq3sAOBcfCd2N0Osdzp230YgFaGdMCAiuajvxsTlFlCjqjFnSHjYFefm06HxhkR78BMgUPl6Tx3aB_M8Ff-WkpE$>

Good luck!

James Parker-Flynn
Director of the Center for Environmental, Energy, and Land Use Law
Florida State University College of Law

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